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m o 手.c 助hou 霸us Preface 学h z baThis solution manual was prepared as an aid for instrctors who wil benefit by having solutions available. In addition to providing detailed answers to most of the e problems in the book, this manual can help the instrctor determne which of the u xproblems are most appropriate for the class. The vast majority of the problems have been solved with the help of available computer software (SAS, S~Plus, Minitab). A few of the problems have been solved with hand calculators. The reader should keep in mind that round-off errors can occur- parcularly in those problems involving long chains of arthmetic calculations. We would like to take this opportnity to acknowledge the contrbution of many students, whose homework formd the basis for many of the solutions. In paricular, we would like to thank Jorge Achcar, Sebastiao Amorim, W. K. Cheang, S. S. Cho, S. G. Chow, Charles Fleming, Stu Janis, Richard Jones, Tim Kramer, Dennis Murphy, Rich m o Raubertas, David Steinberg, T. J. Tien, Steve Verril, Paul Whitney and Mike Wincek. 手c Dianne Hall compiled most of the material needed to make this current solutions manual 助 . consistent with the sixth edition of the book. u The solutions are numbered in the same manner as the exercises in the book. 霸ho Thus, for example, 9.6 refers to the 6th exercise of chapter 9. 学s We hope this manual is a useful aid for adopters of our Applied Multivariate u Statistical Analysis, 6th edition, text. The authors have taken a litte more


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