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课时作业(三) 必修1 Unit 3 Travel journal Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2012·东北三校第二次联考)—Here is a new edition of Crazy English. Do you want to look at it? —________!Let me see it. A.By and by  B.Not really C.Mind your own business D.By all means 2.Buses here are always crowded with passengers,so I prefer ______there rather than take a bus. A.cycle B.cycling C.to cycle D.being cycled 3.(2012·潍坊市抽样监测)A person of great ________usually can achieve his goal. A.instruction B.information C.determination D.recognition 4.(2011·合肥市第二次质量检测)Being able to speak another language fluently could be a great ________when you are looking for a job. A.advantage B.chance C.assistance D.importance 5.The boss has shown no sign of ________to the workers’ demands for raising their wages. A.giving in B.giving up C.giving out D.giving away 6.I don’t understand why you ________your mind constantly!We haven’t been able to decide where to spend our holiday,you know? A.change B.will change C.are changing D.have changed 7.It’s time you changed your attitude ________women now,Tom;they hold up half the sky,you know. A.towards B.from C.with D.in 8.(2011·天津卷)________regular exercise is very important,it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime. A.If B.As C.Although D.Unless 9.Sean has formed the habit of jogging ________the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day. A.between B.along C.below D.with 10.Do you think shopping online will ________take the place of shopping in stores? A.especially B.frequently C.merely D.finally 11.—Stephen made no donation in the charity party. —Seldom in all my life have I met such a ________ person. A.reliable B.stubborn C.mean D.sincere 12.Of all ________reasons for the decision to plant some fruit trees,the farmer’s advice was ________very important one. A.the;/ B./;a C./;the D.the;a 13.—I’m afraid that she won’t come to help me as she promised. —Don’t worry. Nothing will ________her mind if she has ________up her mind. A.change;made B.turn;done C.grow;given


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