九年级英语 (上) 第一轮综合性复习 【人教版】.ppt

九年级英语 (上) 第一轮综合性复习 【人教版】.ppt

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九年级英语 (上) 第一轮综合性复习 【人教版】

remind can’t stand look for prefer love The history of computer development Copy and memorize the new words:invent, invention, inventor, calculator, personal computer Do the exercise of Period 1 in your workbook. Listen to tapes and have a dictation of the following sentences (听录音并听写下列句子): What is a telephone used for? It’s used for talking with people. When was the telephone invented? It was invented in 1876. Who was it invented by? It was invented by Bell. No. I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 2. I’ve already put it in the garage. 3. But I haven’t locked the garage yet. 4. I’ve already done most of my jobs. 5. Not yet. I’ll do it in a minute. 6. Yes, I have. Have you fed the cat yet? ___ What about your bike? ___ Are you ready, Tina? ___ Have you turned off your radio? ___ It’s the food that ______________. is delicious / tastes good It’s the food that _______________. is fried / is cooked in oil It’s the food that __________. is burnt It’s the food that _________. is healthy / is good for our health They are the food that _______ I like What kind of food do you prefer? I prefer food that can help stay healthy. that is good for my health. that is well cooked/fried. that is sour/sweet/bitter/hot/salty. that looks/smells/tastes good. that is delicious. There are different types of food. I can’t stand food that is dirty/awful/ not fresh that is too sweet/… that smells smelly that can make me heavy Jack’s diet He prefers: to drink coffee to eat white bread and rice to eat sweet desserts Which diet is healthier? Why? Linda’s diet She prefers: to drink water to eat brown bread and rice to eat fruit and fish I think …Because … I (don


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