【人教版】选修6 词汇大阅兵.doc

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【人教版】选修6 词汇大阅兵

Unit 1 1.Beauty is __________________(抽象的) but a tree is not. 2.He read through the book and ________________(作了摘录) its contents. 3.She has lost ____________________(信任) her husband. 4.He was caught in an accident,________(因此) he was late for the meeting. 5.My ________(目标是提高) my spoken English. 6.He found this painting ________(没有大价值) in helping you understand the history of art. 7.I have had the furniture ________(估价) and it ________(估价为) ¥2,600. 8.All eyes ________(注视) Liu Xiang in the stadium. 9.He ________(说服我买) that dictionary. 10.The newly discovered Greek sculpture is now ________(在展出). 11.China is one of the ________(文明国家). 12.He found a ________(固定的工作) four years after he graduated from college. 13.We’ve got to be ________(现实的) because we can’t really afford another holiday. Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. The word “honesty” is an a noun. 2. They are put on an e of French paintings next week. 3. You’ll prisoners a to escape, but failed. 5. The keys are in the p of the boss. 6. The expert p that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future. 7. He made a (栩栩如生的)drawing of a horse. 8. You look (可笑的) in those tight jeans. 9. Was Johnson (同时代的)with Shakespeare? 10. Would you please let me know your address (固定地址)? Unit 2 Poems 1.Kids usually ________(讲述在学校发生的一切) to their mothers on returning home. 2.This novel aims to cover ________(城市生活的各个侧面). 3.Please ________(转达我诚挚的问候) to your husband. 4.The novel Harry Potter ________(译成了多国语言),making it popular worldwide. 5.Can you feel a kind of special beauty of leaves ________(秋风中飘落枝头)? 6.The hair was done in a style ________(适合青少年的). 7.Following an ________(无规律的睡眠模式) does result in your poor health. 8.________(载着救援物资),the trucks started for the flooded area on a heavily raining night. 9.The students ________(学业繁重),exhausted every day. 10.She appreciates the wallpaper ________(上面有玫瑰图案的) to decorate her bedroom. Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. If you taste some seawater, you will f


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