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合肥主要高校校园空间布局与景观特征分析  【摘 要】本文从景观设计的角度出发,通过对安徽农业大学、合肥工业大学(南校区)、中国科学技术大学东区和西区、安徽大学(新校区)及安徽建工学院(南校区)不同时期的建校格局特点的分析,阐述了大学校园景观环境发展的历史沿革和现状并分析了大学校园景观设计的影响因素与基本原则从而总结出合肥高校发展的趋势并提供相关建议。结果表明:合肥高校的绿地覆盖率普遍高于合肥市区35%的平均绿地覆盖率,高校校园的建筑面积增长率明显高于其绿地覆盖率的增长率。然而,树冠覆盖率老校区平均为35.9%高于本世纪新建成的高校校园的14.2%。在规划上,校园的功能分区在不断的增加,逐渐由较为规则、对称的苏式风格向近代的多元化西式风格演变。   【关键词】合肥高校;空间布局;景观特征   The space layout and landscape characteristics analysis of Hefei main college campus   Wang Suo Wu Zemin Li Yaliang   【Abstract】   This article from the perspective of landscape design, through the pattern analysis of Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei University of Technology (South Campus), University of Science and Technology of China(Eastern and the Western Campus), Anhui University (New Campus), and Anhui Construction Engineering (South Campus) in different periods, described the development of campus landscape environment history and the status quo, meanwhile, analyzed the impact of campus landscape design factors and the basic principles to conclude that the development trend of colleges and universities in Hefei so as to provide relevant recommendations. The results showed that: Hefei University of green coverage rate is generally higher than 35% of Hefei, the average green land coverage, building area of campus growth rates are significantly higher than the growth rate of green coverage rate. However, the old campus of tree crown cover was 35.9% higher than the average of this century, newly-built campus for 14.2%.In the planning, the campus functional areas continued to increase gradually from the more rules, symmetrical Soviet-style to modern Western-style evolution of diversity.   【Key words】Hefei University, spatial layout, landscape features   校园绿化是学校成功进行教育工作的重要组成部分,在面向社会以人为本的今天,重视教育也必然体现在为其营造具有特色的校园绿化建设。适应社会发展的趋势,对校园环境条件要求的不断提高。上个世纪90年代以前的校园环境建设很少被重视,随着社会的发展现代的大学校园建设逐步开始重视教室以外的校园环境建设[1]。随着中国高等教育的快速发展,由此引发了发展高校新校园建设的热潮。   我国大学校园的发展离不开国家的历史背景,早在19世纪末,西方现代文明大量进入中国,西方的综合高等教育也在中国得到建立,并且在国家和社会团体的支持下建立了一批


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