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*临近地铁隧道的基坑施工方案对比分析张明远1,2 ,杨小平1,2 ,刘庭金1,2( 1. 华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广州 ; 2. 华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室,广州)摘 要:以广州市某深基坑工程为背景,采用三维有限元软件建立数值分析模型,对基坑施工的全过程进行了动态模拟。分别研究了基坑采用顺作法和逆作法两种施工方案时基坑围 护结构和紧邻地铁隧道的位移特点及其相互关系,并将基坑围护结构水平侧向位移的有限元 计算结果与实测数据进行了对比分析,研究表明: ( 1) 基坑施工诱发紧邻地铁隧道产生了水平 位移和竖向隆起,且以水平位移为主; ( 2) 基坑施工引起隧道结构位移较大的范围主要发生在 基坑开挖区域附近; ( 3) 逆作法施工相对于顺作法施工会明显减小基坑围护结构的侧向位移;( 4) 限制地铁隧道侧基坑围护结构的侧向位移是控制地铁隧道水平位移的一个重要因素。关键词: 基坑施工; 地铁隧道; 围护结构; 逆作法; 水平位移中图分类号:O319. 56文献标识码:A文章编号:1673 - 0836(2011)06 - 1203 - 06Comparative Analysis of Construction Schemes for Foundation PitExcavation Adjacent to Subway TunnelZhang Mingyuan1,2 ,Yang Xiaoping1,2 ,Liu Tinjin1,2(1. School of Civil Engineering and Transportation,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou ,China;2. State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Architecture Science,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou ,China)Abstract: Taking a foundation pit in Guangzhou as the background,a numerical model was established to simu- late all the construction processes by 3D finite element software. The authors studied the displacement of the founda- tion pit supporting structure and the displacement of subway tunnel as well as the relationship between them,in case of foundation pit in two different construction processes: bottom-up and top-down construction method,and also com- paratively analyzed the measured data and the results of finite element method to the lateral displacement of pit sup- porting structure,the research indicates: (1 ) the construction of foundation pit makes the tunnel having horizontal displacement and vertical uplift; (2)the larger displacement of the subway tunnel caused by the construction of pit excavation is mainly located in the area around the foundation pit; (3)the top-down construction method can reduce the displacement of the supporting structure compared with the bottom-up method; (4)controlling the displacement of the foundation pit supporting structure near to the tunnel is very important in controlling the horizontal d



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