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完形填空 (2) 名词和所有格 英语名词可数与否不可凭汉语随意推测。有些名词只有单数形式即不可数名词(包括几乎所有物质名词和部分抽象名词)作单数使用。 常见的不可数名词: Advice, assistance, accommodation, baggage, breed, business, cash, clothing, co-operation, dirt, damage, destiny, education, entertainment, equipment, evidence,fever, food, fun, furniture, Gold, grass, homework, housework, ice, information, knowledge, land, laughter, lightning, Luggage, mail, meat, money, music, nonsense, passion, personnel, progress, protection, research, rice, rubbish, scenery, significance, sugar, traffic, trash, tuition, wealth, weather, etc. 有些名词单复数同形,如: Aircraft, Chinese, deer, fish, Japanese, offspring, sheep, shark, etc. Examples: I’m a Chinese. As Chinese we of course are for Chinese. Fish are the main course at the family dinner. 有些名词形式上是复数,实际上是单数,相关的动、代词也为单数: Crops, means, news, series, species, etc. 有些名词只以复数形式出现,与其配用的动、代词也为复数: Jeans, (eye)glasses, pants, scissors, shorts, trousers,belongings, clothes, customs, goods, manners, morals, remains, savings, surroundings, thanks, outskirts, valuables, wages, etc. 名词所有格的形式: 有生命的:Kennedy’s murder, 表示某些时间与距离的关系: Three minutes’ walking 无生命的:a concise dictionary of synonyms 所有格名词后的人或事物分属不同的人,用多个所有格符号: Both Liu’s and Li’s bikes are missing . 同属多人,用一个所有格符号: I’m Jone and Julia’s friend. 所有格后的名词是广为知晓的建筑、商店等,该名词可省略: St. Peter’s ( Cathedral) MacDonald’s ( snack) 还有一些所有格的固定用法: A night’s absence Art for art’s sake At one’s wit’s end for heaven’s sake in my mind’s sake Ten dollars’ worth The earth’s surface / the sea’s depth 不定代词; Each 代替两个或两个以上中的一个: Each of the twins was awarded a toy panda. Every 代替三个或三个以上中的一个: Every nation enjoys the same right to choose its own social system 不定代词All 与 形容词 whole的区别 All 代表每一各别的人、事、物,可做单数也可做复数。 Whole 代表各别人、事、物的整体或全体, 作单数。 *All the staff members have collected the money for their boss’s birthday present. * The whole staff has collected the money for their boss’s birthday present. More Examples: All the fingers have become infected. /



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