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激光与物质相互作用综述分析 摘 要 本文主要讲激光与物质热效应和激光对物质的加工,以及此过程中产生的热应力。回顾近代的科技发明,激光器的诞生无疑是一个的亮点,激光以其无与伦比的技术优势正继微电子技术之后,推动人类科学技术进入新的发展阶段。激光加工是指利用激光束投射到材料表面产生的热效应来完成加工过程,将激光束照射到工件的外表,以激光的高能量来切除、熔化质料以及转变物体外表性能。而且激光束的能量和光束的移动速率均可调治,所以激光加工可应用于任意层面和领域上。由于激光加工热影响区域小,光束方向性好,几乎可以加工任何材料。由于激光加工的特殊特点,其发展前景广阔,目前已广泛应用于激光焊接、激光切割、表面改性、激光打标、切削加工,快速成形,激光钻孔和基板划片,半导体处理等。激光几乎能适应任何材料的加工制造,尤其在一些有特殊精度和要求、特别场合和特种材料的加工制造方面起着无可替代的作用。而且激光因具有单色性、相干性和平行性三大特点,特别适用于材料加工。激光的空间控制性和时间控制性很好,对加工对象的材质、形状、尺寸和加工环境的自由度都很大,特别适用于自动化加工。激光加工系统与计算机数控技术相结合可构成高效自动化加工设备,已成为企业实行适时生产的关键技术,与此同时,激光加工过程中产生的热应力损伤和能量转换效率问题也会给生产带来一定困扰。本文分别从激光加工技术的原理及其应用综合品评了激光加工较传统加工技术的优劣性,说明其在制造行业中的作用。 关键词:激光加热 激光加工 焊接 打孔 切割 Abstract This article is mainly about the laser and the material thermal effects and laser material processing, and this thermal stress generated in the process. Recalling modern technological inventions, the birth of the laser is undoubtedly one of the highlights, the laser is its unparalleled technical advantages Following microelectronics technology, science and technology to promote human development into a new phase. Laser processing is the use of a laser beam is projected onto the surface of the material to complete the effect of heat generated during processing, the laser beam is irradiated to the workpiece appearance, with high-energy laser to cut, the molten material and the appearance properties of the object changes. And the laser beam energy and beam moving speed can be modulating, the laser processing can be applied to any level and areas. Because the laser processing heat affected zone is small, light, good direction, almost any material can be processed. As a special feature of laser processing, and its development prospects, has been widely used in laser welding, laser cutting, surface modification, laser marking, cutting, rapid prototyping, laser drilling and dicing the substrate, a semiconductor processing. Laser can adapt to almost any material, processing and manufa


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