课程介绍- USTC Staff FTPWWW Server.ppt

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课程介绍- USTC Staff FTPWWW Server

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 并行计算 2011年2月23日 课程简介 教材: 《并行计算——结构、算法、编程》(修订版) 陈国良 编著 高等教育出版社 2003年8月 课程简介 参考书: 《并行计算机体系结构》 陈国良等 高等教育出版社 2002 《并行算法的设计与分析》(修订版) 陈国良 高等教育出版社 2002 《并行算法实践》陈国良等 高等教育出版社 2004 课程简介 前驱课程 计算机体系结构 操作系统 编译原理 算法设计与分析 数据结构 图论 内容丰富,涉及广泛,有一定的难度 课程简介 进度安排 结构(2),算法(6),编程(4) 评分标准 期末考试 50% 平时成绩、作业 、上机 50% 上机安排 时间:6周开始 课程主页 课程内容 Parallel Computing Parallel Architectures Parallel Algorithms Parallel Programming Parallel Computer Systems Hardware Platform for Parallel Computing: System Architectures and Models System Interconnections Performance Evaluation System Architectures and Models Parallel Computer System Architectures PVP : Parallel Vector Processors SMP : Symmetric Multiprocessors MPP : Massively Parallel Processors DSM : Distributed Shared Memory COW(Cluster): Cluster Of Workstations(PC) System Architectures and Models Parallel Computer Memory Access Models UMA : Uniform Memory Access NUMA : Non-Uniform Memory Access COMA : Cache-Only Memory Access NORMA : NO-Remote Memory Access System Interconnections Network Environments Intra-node Interconnections( Buses , Switches ) Inter-node Interconnections( SAN ) Inter-system Interconnections( LAN , MAN , WAN ) Interconnection Topologies Static-Connection Networks( LA,RC,MC,TC,HC,CCC) Dynamic-Connection Networks (Buses, Crossbar, MIN) Performance Evaluation Speed up of Systems Amdahl’s Law Gustafson’s Law Sun and Ni’s Law Scalability of Systems Iso-efficiency Iso-speed Average Latency Performance of Systems : Benchmarks LINPACK SPEC PARKBENCH NAS etc Part II : Parallel Algorithms Theoretical Base for Parallel Computing: Computational Models Design Policy Design Techniques Design Methodology Parallel Numerical Algorithms Computational Models PRAM : Parallel Random Access Machines APRAM : Asynchronous PRAM BSP : Bulk Synchronous Parallel LogP : Latency , Overhead , Gap , Processors Design Policy Parallelizing a Sequential Algorithm Designing a new Parallel Algorithm Borrowing


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