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11 我的父母在去世前 给我讲了 Before they died, my parents told me 12 过去那个世界的故事 stories of how the world once was. 13 那是个远比我古老的世界 What it was like long before I was born. 14 在我们与机器人开战之前 Before the war with the machines. 15 他们记得 世界曾充满绿荫 They remembered a green world, 16 广袤而美丽 vast and beautiful. 17 充满欢声笑语 Filled with laughter 18 充满着对未来的期待 and hope for the future. 19 但我却永远无缘见到了 But it's a world I never knew. 20 我出生的时候 这一切就已经烟消云散 By the time I was born, all this was gone. 21 天网 Skynet, 22 一个用于自动导弹防御系统的电脑程序 a computer program designed to automate missile defense. 23 本来应该保护我们 但却事与愿违 It was supposed to protect us, but that's not what happened. 24 1997年8月29日 On August 29, 1997, 25 天网的意志苏醒了 Skynet woke up. 26 它认为所有的人类都是对它自身存在的威胁 It decided all humanity was a threat to its existence. 28 它用人类发明的炸弹来对付我们 It used our own bombs against us. 29 三十亿人死于那场核轰炸 Three billion people died in the nuclear fire. 30 幸存者们把那一天称作审判日 Survivors called it Judgment Day. 31 人们像老鼠一般苟且偷生 People lived like rats in the shadows. 32 躲躲藏藏 忍饥挨饿 甚至 Hiding, starving or, worse, 33 被抓起来关进集中营处决 captured and put into camps for extermination. 34 我出生于审判日之后 I was born after Judgment Day, 35 这个由机器人统治的 into a broken world 36 满目疮痍的世界上 ruled by the machines. 37 更可怕的是伪装成人类渗透进来的机器人 The worst were infiltration units designed to pass for human. 38 我们称其为终结者 We called them terminators. 39 别怕 狗狗 It's okay, boy. 40 好狗狗 Good boy. 41 这里还有其他人吗 Are there others down here? 42 之后有一个人找到了我 And then one man found me. 43 他的名字是 His name 44 约翰?康纳 is John Connor. 45 他改变了一切 And he changed everything. 47 约翰教会我们如何反击 John showed us how to fight back. 48 如何反抗 How to rise up. 49 他解放了囚徒 He freed prisoners. 50 他教我们如何将机器人打个粉碎 Taught us how to smash the machines to scrap. 51 人们悄悄地传颂着约翰的故事 People whisper about John, 52 好奇他是如何了解到这些的 wonder how he can know the things he does. 53 他们用"先知"这个词来形容他 They use words like "Prophet." 54 但约翰远比先知更加强大 But John is more. 55 今晚我们汇聚在此 We're here because tonight, 56 是因为他将领导我们摧毁天网 he's going t


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