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摘 要 活性染料上染棉织物可以采用轧染的方法进行染色,但是,轧染过程中烘干时染料易发生泳移现象,导致最终产品染色不匀。本实验为了降低染料的泳移程度,提高纯棉织物活性染料染色的得色率,降低染色成本,特地采用微悬浮体助剂XY-1与染料一浴对织物进行染色。在使用相同浓度的染料的前提下,通过改变助剂的用量以及改变烘干时间等,与传统工艺比较各自所染得的织物的表观深度和匀染性能,以及在两种工艺染色所得织物表观深度一样的情况下通过探讨新工艺所降低的染料的使用量,本实验确定了助剂与染料一浴染色的最佳工艺。实验结果表明,采用XY-1用量为10g/L,烘干条件为90℃×180S,在染相同表观深度的条件下,最佳可以比传统工艺节约染料约20%,并且同一布面的匀染效果要好,同时织物阴阳面色差也有所改善,染色各项牢度与传统工艺接近, 符合纺织印染行业节能减排的要求,提高了社会和经济效益。 关键词:一浴法,微悬浮体助剂,轧染,纯棉织物 ABSTRACT Reactive dyeing of cotton fabric dyeing methods can be used for processing, but in the process of drying, dye prones swimming shift, resulting in uneven dyeing in the final product. In this study, in order to reduce dye transfer, increase reactive dyeing of cotton fabric color yield rate and reduce the cost of dyeing, the process that the one-bath dyeing of fabric between micro XY-1 suspension additives and dyes had been applied. By comparing the even dyeing ability and the apparent depth of fabrics with the traditional process under the same dye concentration and the cost of dyes under the same apparent depth of fabrics, this study identified the optimum processing aids. Experimental results show that compared with the traditional process, after being dealed with the 10g/L agent XY-1 and baked under the temperature of 90 degrees for 180 seconds, the cost of dye in the process of dyeing could be reduced by 20% on condition that the apparent depth of fabrics are under the same, and the even dyeing ability of the same sides between the two fabrics is better while the disparity of colour between two sides of one fabric shortened a little more or less. Besides,the dyeing fastness between the two process is almost at the same level.These advantages of XY-1 agent make it fit the requirements of energy conservation,the social benefits and economic benefits mentioned by textile printing and dyeing industries. KEYWORDS:one bath , micro-suspension agent, dyeing, cotton fabric 目 录 前 言 2 第1章 原理 2 1.1棉纤维的结构及化学性质 2 1.2活性染料对棉纤维的染色机理 2 1.3染料发生泳移及微悬浮体染色(MSD)机理 2



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