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分类号 K25 密 级 U D C 编 号 10486 武 汉 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 民国时期社会保险初探 研究生姓名 : 李 琼 指导教师姓名、职称 : 敖文蔚教授 学科、专业名称 : 中国近现代史 研究方向 : 中华民国史 二〇〇九年五月 A Probe into Social Insurance during the Period of the Republic of China By Li Qiong May,2009 郑 重 声 明 本人所提交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。本文中除已注明的内容外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已发表的或公开过的成果,本人愿意承担此声明的法律后果以至法律责任。 学位论文作者(签名): 年 月 日 论文创新点 本研究的创新之处有三: 一是在利用民国时期社会保险研究的基础上,加深对这一课题的探索,并总结出新的认识。迄今为止,已有学者对民国时期社会保险立法进行研究,在社会保障研究中对社会保险实务也有所涉及。本研究通过对社会保险实务的论述,在实证的基础上,将社会保险立法的研究推进一步,厘清社会保险制度、措施与实际效果之间的差异,从而对评价China was in a traditional society to a modern society in transition period of transition during the Republic of China time, and various socio-economic system was in the evolution of the overlap of the old and new. The China social security systems start from traditional social relief model to a modern social insurance model in transition. The social security, which born with large-scale industry condition social also begun to sprout. In the first chapter, social insurance to the cause is worth analyzing. Social insurance closely related to industrialization, and industrialization of the initial development of China speed up the process of urbanization which making the City labor issues was very conspicuous. At the same time, the agriculture social tradition social security systems have not been able to meet the social development need, on the other hand, the government has to adopt the social security the way to reach the objective of consolidating the social order, especially along with the laborer industrial accident, the unemployment frequency. Therefore, Therefore, industrialization and urbanization has become an important social insurance birth cause.The Kuomintang party, the communist party quite paid attention to the labor problem and had the implementation of social security to protect the working class. All sectors of society, including intellectuals appeal g


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