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* 第05期 I.词汇。 A.用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 1. Without atmosphere, the Earth would be very cold and ________ (life). 2. The soil ________ (absorb) water when it rains. 3. Be careful! There is a tiger in front of you! It is _________ (danger) lifeless absorbs dangerous 4. There are many _______________ (environment) problems around us. 5. Sometimes, bad habits may cause ________ (pollute), such as using things once and then throwing them away. environmental pollution B.根据首字母提示写单词。 6. Burning and cutting down trees is ________ (有害的). 7. I want to be a green ________ (消费 者). 8. They are __________ (温室) gases. harmful consumer greenhouse 9. A lot of rubbish will ________ (污染) our land and seas. 10. Environmentally friendly things will not ________ (破坏) the environment. pollute destroy II.句子。 A.根据汉语提示,用所给词的适当形 式填空。 11. We have ___________ (大量的) work to do. 12. We can go _________ (一路上) by bike. mountains of all the way 13. Shenzhen is ___________ (不一样冷) Beijing in winter. 14. He got up early ________ (以便) he could catch the early bus. 15. He is _____________ (年龄不够大) to go to school. not as cold as so that not old enough B.根据中文意思和英文提示补全句子。 16. 这本书中的故事和那本书中的不一 样。 The story in this book is ________ the one in that book. 17. 我们必须保护大熊猫,因为它们处 在危险之中。 We must protect pandas because they are ________ now. different from in danger 18. 保护环境很重要。 It is important ________ the _______. 19. 为了照顾妈妈,Mary昨晚很晚才睡。 Mary went to bed late _________ look after her mother. 20. 我喜欢喝茶胜过咖啡。 I prefer tea _________. to protect environment in order to to coffee Ⅲ. 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择佳 答案。 21. Though Guangzhou is in the south of Nanjing, it is not ______ Nanjing. A. as hotter as B. as hot as C. so cold as D. cooler than 22. Our habit of using things once and then throwing them away creates ________ rub


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