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基于数字PID控制的直流电机控制系统的设计 Design of Control System of DC Motor Based on Digitai PID Control 学 生 姓 名: 马 子 嘉 完 成 日 期: 2012.4.26 摘 要 利用16位微机为控制器,实现直流电机数字PID速度控制,PID在工程实际中,应用最为广泛的调节器。PID控制器问世至今已有近70年历史,它以结构简单、稳定性好、工作可靠、调整方便而成为工业控制的制药技术之一,PID控制的关键在于参数的选择,最合适的参数可以大幅提高系统的性能,具有更高的利用价值,PID参数整定有很多种方法,本文中使用了试凑法、扩充临界比例度法、不完全微分PID控制法、简单PID算法,并且比较了各种方法在PID参数整定时的效果,利用MATLAB/SIMULINK实现了PID参数整定及仿真,分析比较了Kp,Ti,Td,Ts等参数对PID控制规律的影响,给出了PID参数的整定与系统动态特性的关系。 关键词:直流电机;数字PID控制;MATLAB/SIMULINK;参数整定;仿真 Abstract 16 microcomputer controller, digital PID speed DC motor control, PID in engineering practice, the most widely used regulator.PID controller has come out nearly 70 years old, and its simple structure, good stability, reliable, and easy to adjust and become one of the pharmaceutical industrial control technology, PID control, the key lies in the choice of parameters, the most appropriate parameters can significantly improve system performance, with higher use value, the PID parameter tuning there are many ways used in this trial and error method, the expansion of the critical proportion of incomplete derivative PID control method, a simple PID algorithm, and compared the various methods in the regular effect of the PID parameters, using MATLAB / SIMULINK PID parameter tuning and simulation, analysis and comparison of Kp, Ti and Td, Ts, and other parameters of the PID control law is given a PID parameter tuning the relationship of the system dynamics. Key words: DC motor; digital PID control; MATLAB / SIMULINK;parameter tuning; emulation 目 录 摘要.……………………………………………………………………………………………. (1) Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………..(2) 绪言 选题背景及意义……………………………………………………….(4) PID理论分析 PID控制及参数整定方法……………………………………………………….(5) PID控制器参数的整定……………………………………………………….(8) 论文研究的方向和预期结果………………………………………………..……..(11) 直流电机调速系统的理论分析 电机控制系统的设计………………………………………….…………..(12) 直流电机的动态数学模型…………………………………………….………..(13) 数字PID控制算法的实现…………………………………………….………..(16) 采用数字PI


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