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毕业设计(论文)题目果蔬类农产品物流系统的构建与分析学院:机电工程学院专业班级:工业工程12(3)班指导教师:职称:教授学生姓名:学号:摘要近几年的果蔬类农产品物流配送模式得到了一定的发展,但是成效并不显著。物流周期长、损耗大、费用高的问题仍然没有得到解决,果蔬类农产品在流通环节的耗损率仍然高达25%-30%左右,而果蔬类农产品物流配送模式比较发达的国家的耗损率却低于5%,其中美国的耗损率仅有1%-2%。因此对陕西省的果蔬类农产品的物流配送模式进行优化研究,构建高效率的果蔬类农产品物流配送模式,显得十分必要。借鉴国内外发达国家先进的果蔬类物流配送模式的经验和教训,选择陕西省的果蔬类物流配送模式作为时政研究,并结合陕西省果蔬类农产品的实际情况,对现有的果蔬类物流配送体系进行剖析,分析现有的果蔬类农产品物流配送过程中存在的问题。本文提出了建立以批发市场为核心的配送模式、以龙头企业为核心的配送模式、以中介组织为核心的配送模式。最后针对以上分析提出了保障陕西省果蔬类农产品物流配送优化模式顺利实施的相关措施与对策建议:加强果蔬类农产品物流设施建设、提高果蔬类物流信息化水平、加强物流人才培养、发展第三方物流企业及加强政府调控与扶持等建议,以促进陕西省的果蔬类农产品物流配送模式的完善。关键词:果蔬类农产品,物流配送模式,批发市场ABSTRACTIn recent years, the fruit and vegetable agricultural products logistics model of Shanxi province has some development, but the effect is not significant. The long logistics, thebig loss and the high cost have not been solved. The depletion rate of the fruit andvegetable agricultural products in the circulation is still as high as about 25% to 30%.Thedepletion rate of the countries which have developed fruit and vegetable agriculturalproducts logistics model is less than 5% and the depletion rate of America is 1% to 2%.Soit is necessary to do research on the fruit and vegetable agricultural products logistics modelof Shanxi province and build a high efficient fruit and vegetable agricultural productslogistics model.In this essay, I combine the logistics theory, the practice of modern agriculture andthe characteristics of fruit and vegetable agricultural products, learn from the developedcountriesexperiences and lessons on advanced logistics and distribution patterns of fruitsand vegetables at home and abroad, choose fruits and vegetable logistics model of Shanxi Province as an example and combine with the actual situation of the fruit and vegetableagricultural products in Shanxi Province to analyze the existing fruit and vegetablelogistics distribution system and analyze the problems in the existing distribution process ofthe fruit and vegetable agricultural products logistics.I put forward the suggesti



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