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1 Allow me to introduce myself, please. 请允许我自我介绍。   2 Allow me to introduce my boss, Mr. Smith. 请允许我介绍我的老板,史密斯先生。   3 Allow me to present a brief introduction about our company. 请允许我对本公司做一个简短的介绍。   4 Allow me to show you new features of our new product. 请允许我向你们展示我公司新产品的特点。   5 Allow me to explain the purpose of our proposal, please. 请允许我解释我们提出建议的目的。   6 Allow me to elaborate our suggestion on this activity, please. 请允许我阐述一下我们对本次活动提出的建议。   7 Allow me to make one more point, please. 请允许我再发表一点意见。   8 Allow me to show our heartfelt welcome to you. 请允许我向你们表示最衷心的欢迎。   9 Allow me to explain the organization of our company to you. 请允许我向你们介绍本公司的组织结构。   10 Allow me to carry your bag, please. 请让我帮你拿包。   11 Are you Peter? 你是彼特吗?   12 Are you from China? 你来自中国吗?   13 Are you angry at being kept waiting? 你因为久等而生气了吗?   14 Are you worried about your son? 你为你的儿子而焦虑吗?   15 Are you satisfied with the testing result? 你对实验结果满意吗?   16 Are you free this weekend? 你这个周末有空吗?   17 Are you moved by the story? 这个故事令你感动吗?   18 Are you good at handwriting? 你的字写得好吗?   19 Are you good at dancing? 你跳舞跳得好吗?   20 Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?   21 Congratulations on your success! 祝你取得成功!   22 Congratulations on your excellent achievement! 祝贺您取得巨大的成就!   23 Congratulations on your marriage with Susan. 祝贺你和苏珊喜结良缘!   24 Congratulations on your promotion! 祝贺你晋升!   25 Congratulations on your winning the match! 祝贺你们赢得比赛!   26 Congratulations on your marriage! 祝贺你们喜结良缘!   27 Congratulations on your outstanding research! 祝贺你取得出色的研究成果!   28 Congratulations on your significant discovery! 祝贺你取得重大的发现!   29 Congratulations on the success of your performance! 祝贺你们的表演取得成功!   30 Congratulations on your winning the contest! 祝贺你们取得比赛的成功!   31 Could I borrow your book? 我能借用你的书吗?   32 Could I use your computer? 我能用你的电脑吗?   33 Could I cash the money order here? 我能在这里兑现这张汇款单吗?   34 Could I borrow your bicycle? 我能借用你的自行车吗?   35 Could I visit you tomorrow? 我明天去拜访你行吗?   36 Could I help you? 能为您效劳吗?



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