信息工程毕业论文 MATLAB仿真在信号处理中的应用.doc

信息工程毕业论文 MATLAB仿真在信号处理中的应用.doc

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信息工程毕业论文 MATLAB仿真在信号处理中的应用

MATLAB仿真在信号处理中的应用 摘 要 《信号与系统》广泛应用于通信、自动控制、航空航天、电子信息、地震学、生物工程等领域,是许多理工科院校相关专业的重要专业基础课。通过《信号与系统》基础课程的学习,学生可以掌握信号处理的基本分析方法。但是,由于该课程的内容十分抽象、学生不容易掌握相关知识,教师在讲授信号处理的主要内容时也不方便。因此,针对教学中存在的这种问题,为了教师在授课过程中可以形象化地讲授这些抽象的内容,也为了学生在学习过程中可以对信号处理产生浓厚的兴趣,本文将以MATLAB软件作为开发平台,设计出基于MATLAB的信号处理仿真平台,由此阐述MATLAB仿真在信号处理中的应用。 信号处理仿真平台主要实现《信号与系统》的五个实验,包括信号的基本运算,LTI系统的描述,响应的求解,时域、频域、复频域的MATLAB仿真,Z域的分析。本信号处理仿真平台改变了传统的实验方式,将《信号与系统》的实验内容集中在一个平台上,操作简单方便,结果直观准确。该仿真平台将采用友好的GUI界面设计,用简洁的文字、丰富的图面将抽象的内容展现在学生面前,提高了学生对信号处理的学习积极性和主动性。 关键词:信号处理仿真平台 信号与系统 GUI界面 APPLICATION OF MATLAB IN SIGNAL PROCESSING ABSTRACT "Signals and Systems " is widely used in communication, automatic control, aerospace, electronic information, seismology, bioengineering and other fields, is related in many important institutions of science and engineering basic course. Through the "Signals and Systems " basic courses, students can master the basic signal processing methods. However, because the course content is very abstract and not easy to grasp the knowledge of students, teachers, teaching signal processing in the main content is not convenient. Therefore, for such problems exist in teaching, to teachers in the teaching process can be taught to visualize the content of these abstractions, but also to students in the learning process can have a strong interest in signal processing, this will be the MATLAB software as a development Platform to design signal processing based on MATLAB simulation platform, which describes MATLAB Simulation in signal processing applications. Signal processing simulation platform is mainly to achieve "Signals and Systems" of the five experiments, including the basic operations signals, LTI systems described, the response of the solution, the time domain, frequency domain, complex frequency domain, MATLAB simulation, Z domain analysis. The signal processing simulation platform has changed the traditional way of experimental methods, the "Signals and Systems" experiment focused on a single platform, si


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