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短文一:举办奥运会的益处The Advantages of hosting the Olympic GamesHosting the Olympic Games has a major effect on the economy and brings international prestige to the country. Thousands of visitors come to the games. They will spend money in our shops and businesses and thousands of jobs will create . It will encourage huge economic growth and the city will build new roads ,parks and stadiums .The host cities are permanently improved . Soa country hosting the Olympics is rewarding.短文二:业余爱好及他们的益处My HobbiesI have a very healthy body. It benefit from my hobbies. In my spare time, I likeraising flowers and cycling.Raising flowers can make people feel happy and joyful spirit. Cycling can make the body strongerand more healthy. This makes me maintain a mental and physical balance.Hobbies greatly enriched my life, so I filled my life with hope.短文三:居住在大城市中的优缺点Living In A Big CityThere are some advantages for the people living in a big city. City life is attractive with all its advantages andconveniences supermarkets or shopping malls. When they need something, they could just go and buy them. the big city can provide many conveniences in transportation and traveling for the people who live in the big city.They can take the subway to work every day. There are many restaurants and city hotels, easy for people to dine out. With expansion of the city gave rise to a more space for living, but also to enable more working people into the city. dine out expansion of the city flowing into.However living in a big city has some disadvantages. Polution and noises,mostly from factories and cars,severely affect people's health.短文四:Changes In Life There have been many changes in my life.In our city a lot of new skyscrapers. People moved into the house from the original scores of small-storey building. Rooms are spacious than before.And my house was better off.I have a big and fine decoration house.I preserved pickles cramped and gloomy room to a big and br


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