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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 Y 公司实施信息化人力资源系统(eHR)的项目管理 摘 要 越来越多的企业期望通过信息技术和管理技术的有机结合,帮助企 业在竞争激烈的市场环境中突出重围。新的经营理念和管理模式的冲击 下,人力资源部门的定位正在悄悄地发生变化,企业人力资源部门从过 去的人事管理阶段发展到现在的人力资源管理阶段。把人看作是可以开 发的宝贵资源,并追求在合适的时间使合适的人在合适的岗位上发挥最 大的能力和才华,注重人才的培养与开发,重视激励,强调沟通,人力 资源的管理趋于系统化、结构化。如何通过科学有效的管理,建立高绩 效的企业文化,使企业在人均产出率、人力资本回报率等指标上不断提 升,已经成为企业人力资源管理的焦点和热点。 关键词 人力资源管理,信息化人力资源系统,项目管理 上海交通大学工程硕士论文ABST 上海交通大学工程硕士论文 ABSTRACT II II PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRONIC HUMAN RESOURE IMPLEMENTATION IN Y COMPANY ABSTRACT Along with the advance, the business enterprises operate factors change continuously. The terms of compete also change continuously from original capital compete to the talented competition. Therefore the competition will be talented competition. Therefore the competition will be more internationalize and more professional, which will make talented person’s strategy of the business enterprise become particularly important. The traditional single personal management can not satisfy the business enterprise to store more and more talented personnel need for the talented person’s strategy. So applying the system of eHR (electronically human resource management system) has been the main task that business enterprises have to face in recent years. However, business enterprises have bad impression with eHR because most business enterprises apply eHR endless Mexican TV play. The effect of eHR applying is not satisfied. One of the well-known persons inside the industry said the rate of eHR fail putting into practice o is up to 80% currently. Therefore studying the business enterprise how to choose the system of eHR, how to evade the business enterprise risk, how to decline the low cost have realistic meaning. This essay combines theory and practice, from the human resource management point of view to set forth eHR basic concepts, universality degree, development trend and the important meaning of the business enterprise. Then the synopsis introduces the A company success putting into practice the system


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