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~Ur币。edtGroup ..币二需黑黑 Preface c主pgemini) UniCredit Group) and Efma are p1ease 才 to present the 2011 月份Id Retai! Banking Report In the 3itermath ofthe fìnancia1 crisi飞 retail banks around the globe are struggling to make a positive impression on customers, Differentiating on 严ice and procluct inn例ation is becoming increasing1y diffìcu1t) and fìrms face the added complications of changing customer preferences and increasingiy 口ngent reguhtiαH The 2011 Wor!d Retai!Ban是 ing Report addresses these challenges byestablishing a new framework for identifying and measuring sucεess in retail banking Our new t∞,1 helps banks hy the groundwork for a more effective retail delivery strategy and u1timately a new era of profìt generation in this dynamic bus币ness The 2011 World Retail Banking Report 阳blishes Customer Creation of the too1 began with an extensive survey of customer behavioL We Experi町ce analysis by region conducted a hrge) in-depth study ofthe many飞qαs and opinions arαmd the 。 nlyfor North Al响 erica , Latin world that make up the moclern banks retail customer base , Our Vαce, ofthe America , Central and Western Customer sun宅ys queried nearly 14)000 custc 刀 ers across the globe on more Europe , as well as As ia Paαfic than 80 parameters) making



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