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中文摘要 风电产业的飞速发展促成了风电装备制造业的繁荣,风电齿轮箱作为风电机组的核心部件,倍受国内外风电相关行业和研究机构的关注。但由于国内风电齿轮箱的研究起步较晚,技术薄弱,特别是兆瓦级风电齿轮箱,主要依靠引进国外技术。因此,急需对兆瓦级风电齿轮箱进行自主开发研究,真正掌握风电齿轮箱设计制造技术,以实现风机国产化目标。 首先,根据风电齿轮箱承受载荷的复杂性,对其载荷情况进行了分析研究确定齿轮箱的机械结构。选取两级行星派生型传动方案,通过计算,确定各级传动的齿轮参数。其次,对行星齿轮传动进行受力分析,得出各级齿轮受力结果。依据标准进行静强度校核,结果符合安全要求。最后,绘制CAD装配图,并。 关键词:齿轮箱设计 Abstract The rapid development of wind power industry has contributed to the prosperity of wind power equipment manufacturing industry, and the wind power growth gear box is the core component of the wind turbine, which has been paid much attention by domestic and foreign wind power related industries and research institutions. But because of the research of the domestic wind power gear box, the technology is weak, especially the MW level wind power gearbox, which mainly depends on the introduction of foreign technology. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out research on the development of the MW level wind power gear box, and the real master of the wind power gearbox design and manufacture technology, in order to achieve the localization of the wind turbine. In this paper, according to the complexity of the load of wind turbine gearbox, the load condition is analyzed and studied, and the mechanical structure of gear box is determined. Select the two stage planetary transmission scheme, through the calculation, determine the gear parameters at all levels of transmission. Secondly, the stress analysis of the planetary gear transmission is carried out. According to the standard static strength check, the results accord with safety requirements. Finally, the CAD assembly drawing is drawn, and the 3D model of Pro/E is constructed. Key words:Wind power; Growth gear box; Design; Verification 目 录 中文摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1课题背景及意义 1 1.2风电齿轮箱国内外现状 1 1.2.1风电齿轮箱国内外发展现状 1 1.1.2我国风电齿轮箱设计制造技术现状 2 2 总体方案的确定 3 2.1设计要求及参数选择 3 2.1.1设计要求 3 2.1.2参数选择 3 2.2方案选择 3 2.2.1方案论述 3 2.2.2方案确定 5 3 齿轮设计与校核 6 3.1第一级行星轮系传动设计与校核 6 3.1.1齿轮基本参数计算 6 3.1.2行星轮齿装配条件验算 6 3.1.3行星传动齿轮强度校核 7 3.2第二级平行轴


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