(精选)经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 1 Business Meeting课件.ppt

(精选)经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 1 Business Meeting课件.ppt

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Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter, Mr. Chen; and the other students of your group will act as the participants of the meeting. While interpreting, the interpreter shouldn’t look at the material. After six-minute preparation for it, you are asked to act out the dialogue and interpret in the front of the classroom. Your performance will be evaluated by yourself, your teacher and other groups and recorded as your regular grade. Ⅱ. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (3) Role play interpreting 参会人员介绍 薇薇安(会议主席):人都到齐了吧,让我们开会吧。首先,请大家跟我一起欢迎我们西南区域总经理,王先生。 Wang: Thank you for having me, I’m looking forward to today’s meeting. 薇薇安:现在,让我介绍一下今天会议的参会人员。这位是东南区域的总经理,张先生。这位是里昂,我们公司的市场营销部经理。 参考译文 Ⅱ. Performing 3. 口译实战 开始会议 薇薇安:好的,让我们开始吧!今天我们将讨论今年的营销策略。首先,我们将一起研究张先生关于市场调查的报告。然后,我们将共同讨论今年将采取的营销策略。好的,张先生,现在交给你了。 Zhang: Thank you. As everyone has received the report by our team. We have collected and analyzed the information of similar commodities last year. I think it’s first-hand material. 薇薇安:真是个好消息,请具体说一说。 Ⅱ. Performing 参考译文 3. 口译实战 开始会议 Zhang: As in detail, there are about three big manufacturers at home. Besides us, one is in Heilongjiang Province. Another one is in Zhejiang Province. They are both state-owned enterprises. However, they all haven’t explored international market. 薇薇安:也就是说我们将是第一家拥有国际市场的企业。那他们的产品怎么样? Zhang: These are their product information sheets and some finishes. Their product performance and quality have been up to international standards, but their product design cannot reach our level. Additionally, they haven’t got any professional and technical development since 1990s. Ⅱ. Performing 参考译文 3. 口译实战 讨论议题 薇薇安:谢谢你,张先生。根据你们的调研,看起来我们 与其他竞争对手相比还是有较多优势的。因此我们必须认 清自己的处境,并且想方设法保持领先地位。里昂,这个问题你怎么看? 里昂:我们最好认清我们的优势、劣势,机遇和挑战。很明显主要竞争优势是我们的产品质量。 薇薇安:那你怎么分析我们的劣势呢? 里昂:我认为主要问题是我们有好的产品,但这并没有给我们带来应有的市场份额。那是因为我们的促销手段不如竞争对手的有效。我们过于依靠产品质量,却缺乏促销手段。 薇薇安:我同意。所以从现在起,我们必须在广告宣传上多下功夫。 Ⅱ. Performing 参考译文 3. 口译实战 Ⅱ. Performing 讨论议题 Wang: From this point of view,



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