(精选)经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 9 Insurance and Claim课件.ppt

(精选)经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 9 Insurance and Claim课件.ppt

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2. 句子口译 参考译文 1)我们只能向贵方提出索赔,索赔金额为发票金额加上检验费用。 2)贵方所供应的货物与之前寄来的样品并不一致。 3)这些产品的质量并没有达到我们所订产品的质量标准。 4)我方要求必须马上换货。 5)我方希望你们能早日进行理赔。 6)我方希望贵方能认真考虑此事,尽快提出一个好的解决方法。 7)对受损货物进行检查的工作人员提交了检查结果,结果显示…… 8)因此我方找不到赔偿贵方此次损失的理由。 9)这个责任不应由我方而应由承运人或保险人来承担,如果有必要,我方可代你方向他们提出索赔。 10)关于贵方……日的来信,我方对信中提及的这一不幸事件深表遗憾。 Ⅱ. Performing Role Play (1) Situation lead-in The new salesman Kate is consulting Mr. Zhang, the general manager on the insurance company concerning the order of Mr. Smith. Please do two-way interpretation for them. 3. Field Interpreting Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Competition Evaluation Evaluation Ⅱ. Performing Question 1 If you are Mr. Chen, which sentences will you employ the translation skill learnt in this unit when interpreting? Ⅱ. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion 1. 我建议中国人民保险公司,他们公司收费比较合理,实际上对CIF价格没有多大影响。 2. 大体上讲,CIF和CF之间的差价大约为0.4%,当然保险费要根据商品性质、投保险别以及目的港的不同而不同。 3. 相机是易损品,运输途中容易损坏,我建议投水渍险,不投平安险。 4. 平安险不赔偿运输途中的部分损失。水渍险赔偿任何情况下的部分损失。 What are the translation methods used in the above sentences? Ⅱ. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion Question 2 1. I suggest the Peoples Insurance Company of China, since the rates quoted by the PICC are moderate. They have very little effect on our CIF prices.(断句法) 2. Roughly speaking, the difference between CIF and CF is about 0.4%. The premium varies with the nature of the goods, the degree of cover desired and the place of destination.(断句法) 3. Cameras are fragile goods, which may be damaged on voyage. I suggest W. P. A. instead of F.P.A..(断句法) 3. F.P.A. does not cover partial loss of the goods in transit, while W. P. A. covers partial loss in all cases.(合并法) Question 3 Ⅱ. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion What is the key reason for using different translation methods to interpret these long sentences? 核心因素是要考虑原文各个分句之间的逻辑关系,根据逻辑关系进行合并拆分,或者根据中英文逻辑重心的差异进行结构重组和调整。 Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter, Mr. Chen; and the



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