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摘 要 随着我国经济建设的迅猛发展,公安、铁路、民航、金融等部门对语音记录的需求不断增长。把语音生成技术用于工业监控系统、自动应答系统、多媒体查询系统、智能化仪表、办公自动化系统或家用电气产品中,使它们具有语音输出功能,使之能在适当的时候用语音实时报告系统的工作状态、警告信息、提示信息或相关的解释说明等,无疑在提高人机通信能力、减少对错误处理的遗漏、提高系统性能、降低人们的工作强度等方面都有极大的好处。 而数字录音系统作为其中的一种,经常用于某些监主对话系统中,在适当的时候用语音实时报告系统的工作状态和提示等。 数字录音系统是将现场的语音模拟信号转变为离散的数字信号,然后存储在一定的存储介质上的一种录音方式,它也是数字语音处理技术中常用的一种方式。采用数字录音技术,有较高的效率和自动化程度,录音时间也长,并可将信息长期保存于存储介质中,同时对语音信息进行编辑整理非常方便,可快速查找。 实现数字录音系统可以采用PC机实现和嵌入式系统实现两种方式。当使用PC机的时候,由于它的体积庞大,耗电高,造价也高,并且在某些情况下系统的稳定性得不到保证所以用PC机来实现前述的各项功能和操作,就受到了一定的限制。而嵌入式系统的体积小,供电方便,造价低,稳定性也高,所以得到了广泛的应用。本论文介绍了一种用单片机实现的嵌入式数字录音系统,该系统 为一个数字录音模块,可以将其封装在上面进行二次开发。它采用录音的原理,录音时,单片机的CPU将语音信号转换为数字信号在存储器中。播放的时候,既可以播放录音文件,也可以播放提前存储器中的语音文件。 :语音,数字,单片机 Abstract With the growth of the development of the economy,the need for sound Record in the department of Gongan and Railway are increasing.It is much Useful for the advance in the communication between the people and the machine ,and for the reducing of the mistake of the disposal in the system of industrial surveillance,the system of the The digital recording system as one of a kind frequently used in some of the DAIJI prison system in the dialogue at an appropriate time to voice real-time reporting system and the work of state and other tips. Digital recording system is the scene of the voice analog signal into a discrete digital signal and then stored in a storage medium on a recording, it is also digital voice processing technologies used in a way. Use of digital recording technology, efficiency and a higher degree of automation, recording a long time, and the information stored in long-term storage medium, while the voice information edited by the very convenient and fast to find. Digital recording system can be used to achieve a PC and embedded systems in two ways. When using a PC when, because of its size, power consumption, high cost, and in some cases, system stability can not be guaranteed so using a PC to achieve the aforementioned functions and operation, Subject to certain


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