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摘要 工业生产的自动化是未来工业的重要方向。在我国电镀生产是一项较为传统的工业产业,为了更加适应现代化的生产进度,改变其生产效率低下的状况,因此需要对其进行改造。 本设计主要目的是应用型号为三菱FX-1N-40MR的PLC结合组态王对自动化电镀生产线进行实时的监视和控制。整条生产线采用自动和手动两种运行方式,并提供相关的指示报警功能。 论文中介绍了课题设计的背景,接着对设计中所需要的硬件和软件进行了简单的描述。在对硬件部分进行选型后,根据生产要求给出了系统软硬件设计和PLC的硬件接线。为了更加适应工业现场的应用,采用两台行车进行协调配合工作并用组态王对现场进行模拟运行演示。用组态王作为系统上位机,配合下位机完成对工业现场的的实时监控。同时组态王可以提供实际应用中的参考数据,对设备的维护与保养提供帮助。 关键词:PLC;电镀;组态王 Abstract Automation of industrial production is an important direction of the industry of the future. In China, electroplating production is a traditional industry.In order to more adapt to the modernization of production progress, Improve the production efficiency, so need to modify it. Purpose of this design is the application model of mitsubishi FX-1N-40MR PLC combination of kingview for real-time monitoring and control of automatic electroplating production line. The whole production line adopts automatic and manual two kinds of operation mode, and provide the related instructions alarm function. The thesis introduces the background of the project design, and then to design the hardware and software needed to carry on the simple description. In part of hardware type selection, system hardware and software design are given on the production requirement and PLC hardware connection. In order to more adapt to the industrial field of application, two driving is adopted to improve the coordination work with kingview to site to run the simulation demo. Use kingview as the upper machine system, with a complete real-time monitoring of the scene of the industrial machine. And kingview can provide reference data in the actual application, for equipment maintenance and maintenance to provide help. Keywords PLC electroplating KingView 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1课题背景介绍 1 1.1.1PLC与在工业自动化生产中的应用 1 1.1.2组态王监控软件在工业中的应用 1 1.1.3课题的选题背景及意义 1 1.2系统的设计要求 2 1.3本章小结 2 第2章 硬件与软件的简介 3 2.1 PLC系统组成 3 2.1.1 中央控制处理单元(CPU) 3 2.1.2存储器 4 2.1.3输入/输出接口电路 4 2.1.4电源 4 2.1.5 PLC的基本工作原理 4 2.2组态王软件简述 5 2.2.1工程浏览器 5 2.2.2工程


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