四下unit 4 at the farm part a lets talk课件精品.ppt

四下unit 4 at the farm part a lets talk课件精品.ppt

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四下unit 4 at the farm part a lets talk课件精品

* Part A Let’s talk 马兰屯镇林桥小学 谢素珍 Unit 4 At the farm * 设计思路: 1.出示教学目标,通过复习水果导入 到蔬菜。 2.呈现本课的重点句型,并作相对应的 句型练习。 3. 呈现对话,学生根据自学指导有目的 的学习。小组之间对话,进一步对重点 句型进行巩固。 4.教育学生多吃蔬菜有利于身体健康。 * 学习目标: 1.能够听懂会说句型:What are these? Are these…?;能在情境中运用句型询问蔬菜,并进行回答。 2.能够理解对话大意;用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 * Sing a song * What is it ? It’s … What are they? They are… * 1. ---What is it ? ---It’s an apple. 2.---What are they? ---They are apples. They are red. * 1. ---What is it ? ---It’s a carrot. 2.---What are they? ---They are carrots. They are orange. * ---What are these? ---They are carrots. They are orange. . * ---What are these? ---They are green beans. They are green. Are these carrots? No, They aren’t. * . What are they ? They are potatoes. Look, are they oranges? No, they aren’t. They are tamatoes. * * 自学指导一: 请打开课本38页,快速看图,然后回答问题: 1. In the text, how many people? Who are they?对话中有几个人?他们是谁? 2. What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么? * 自学指导二: 听录音选择合适的答语: 1 . Are these carrots ? A. Yes, They are. B. No, They aren’t. 2 .Are these potatoes? A. Yes, They are. B. No, They aren’t (随手画出答案) * 自学指导三: 1.跟录音朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调. 2.分角色朗读对话,三分钟后表演对话. * * What are these? Are they…? * Guess: What are these? * * * * * * * * * *


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