四年级上册unit5 at a farm parta let's talk管理.doc

四年级上册unit5 at a farm parta let's talk管理.doc

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四年级上册unit5 at a farm parta let's talk管理

Unit5 At a farm PartA Let'stalk 高塘小学 刘兰秀 一、案例背景 1.学生分析 本节课的授课对象是小学四年级学生。他们已经学习了本单元的第一课时,掌握了部分动物单词如 horse, lamb, cow 等,已经掌握了句型 What are they? They are... 而且已经熟悉了一些名词的复数形式。这些都为本节课的学习打下了基础。 2.教学内容 1) 词汇:donkey, hundred 2) 句型; Are they...? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. 3) 对话;Oh, this farm is so big. Are they sheep? No, they aren't. They are goats. Are they horses? No, they aren't. They are donkeys. Look at the hens. They are fat. Yes, they are. How many cows do you have? One, hundred. Wow! 3.教学目标 1) 知识和能力目标: 能听说、认读单词 donkey, hundred,能听懂对话内容,能听懂 Are they...? 并能在情景中进行运用。 2) 情感目标:能以得体的方式询问名称,与人交际。 3)学习策略目标:让学生善于主动询问,学会与他人合作与沟通。 4.教学重点:能准确认读单词 donkey, hundred,能运用句型 Are they...? 并进行准确的回答。 5.教学难点:新单词 donkey, hundred 的发音,名词的复数形式及其读音,如: sheep 的复数形式,horses 的发音等。 6.教学准备:动物图片,农场图片,游戏纸(背面画有动物、服装、水果等图片),磁带,磁铁,头饰(Sarah, Mike, John),农场主的帽子 二、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1.师生谈话活动,复习 How many... do you have? T: What's the weather like today? S1: It's ... T: What's this? (教师拿起学生的一块橡皮) S2: It's an eraser. T: How many erasers do you have? S2: I have... T: How many pencils do you have? S3: I have... T: How many pencil-cases do you have? S4: I have... 2. 师生谈话活动,复习How much... is it? 并教学 hundred T: Your pencil-case is so nice. I like it. 教师做出很喜欢这支铅笔盒的样子。How much is it? S4: It's ... T: Your pencil is colorful. I like it. How much is it? S5: ... T: What color is my T-shirt? S6: It's red. T: Is it nice? Ss: Yes. T: How much is it? Do you know? Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. You may guess. S7: ... T: No, it's one hundred. 教师板书 hundred 并教学 one hundred, 拓展教学 two hundreds, three hundreds, etc. 设计意图:教师先询问学生熟悉的学习用品的价格,再让学生猜教师所穿服装的价格来引出新单词hundred,拉近了生活与课堂教学之间的距离。从旧知到新知,过渡自然,学生乐于接受, 并且学生能在轻松的 Free talk 中不知不觉地提高听说能力。 3.Let's do. 师生共唱共做 Part A Let's do 部分的内容 4.Let's do 结束后,教师及时表扬及介绍本节课的评价方式:学生分成两大组,各自拥有一个农场。每位学生的积极参与和认真都能为本组赢得动物。通过合作与竞争,得到动物图片多的小组获胜。 T: There are many animals at the farm. They are farms too. 教师出示两张农场图片 This farm is for you, half A. And this farm is


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