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唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 65.How to Become a Millionaire and Millionairess? 65. 如何成為百萬富翁 與 富婆 Precious advises to success - 18 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 18 成功秘碼 條 If you want to grow rich, let’s see what a rich dad or mom is going to tell us. 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page The important characteristics of millionaires are the ambitions of creating fortunes. ?「成為百萬富翁與富婆的最重要的條件,就是先要有具備創造財富的企圖心。」 ? A satisfactory and happy marriage may accumulate a remarkable fortune. But an unsatisfactory marriage could make the fortune shrink. The longer the marriage lasts, the more fortune will grow. ?「美滿的婚姻」可以累積財富,而「失敗的婚姻」則會使財富縮水。婚姻能夠維持的愈久 , 累積的財富就愈多。」 The spouse of good finance management can help you to accumulate wealth in effect. ?「善於/精於理財的配偶,可以幫助你有效地累積財富 。」 ? Dose not means that two people get married, can become millionaires. However, if the marriage lasts longer and become more stable with the solid cooperation, those couple more easy to become millionaires. ?「不是說兩個人結婚以後,就能成為百萬富豪, 而是說在長期穩定 ,同心協力的婚姻狀態中,較能成為百萬富翁 。」 Millionaires not only have a powerful mind of doing business, but also have principles in dealing with people and various matters. Except for a few upstarts and gangsters, most of them rely on their wisdom, hardworking, and morals to start their business. otherwise they are unable to keep their own fortune. If their fortunes are obtained by means of cheating, stealing or robbery, I believe, their fortunes will soon be used up or they will be sentenced to imprisonment. 「百萬富豪不僅有做生意的頭腦,也有做人處事的原則。 除了少數的「暴發戶」與「惡勢力」以外,大部份百萬富豪都是靠「智慧 、勤奮 與 道德」起家的 ,要不然他們也守不住他們的財富 。如果他們的財富是「騙來的、偷來的、搶來的」 我相信他們的財富,也會很快的消失掉,因為他們不是被判刑入獄 ,就是很快地把錢「花光掉」。 Making money should be based on honesty and legal means. Therefore, you need not get scared to hear a knock at the door at midnight. 「賺錢要用正當的手段並且要誠實,這樣才能半夜敲門,心不驚。」 ? ?If you want to control your own fortunes, you must own your specialized skill and business first. ?「如果你想要控制自己的財運 ,就必需要擁有屬於自己的專業或事業。 」 Be an honest man! Never lie! Don’t be mean t


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