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毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 本文围绕PJ-54喷水织布机控制系的设计,主要介绍了织布机的种类及发展概况,喷水织布机的结构组成,工作原理及控制、检测要求。以89C2051单片机为控制核心,通过对系统软、硬件的设计,实现系统的各项运转和故障检测。系统的运转包括主电机的正、反转,正、反点动,停车、刹车,星—三角启动,风扇电机的启动;故障检测主要包括断纬,电机过热,左、右捻边纱断纱,卷布筒张力过大,计长。系统各项功能的实现,由软件完成。设计出符合要求的电气原理图,用Protel 99SE软件进行原理图和PCB板图绘制。 关键词 喷水织布机 单片机控制 软、硬件设计 PCB图绘制 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title The Design of PJ-54 Loom control system Abstract This project is about the design of PJ-54 loom control system, which is mainly introduced about the kinds and the evolution of the loom, the makeup or the parts, the work elements and the demand of control and exam of the loom. With the singlechip 89c2051 as the control core, through the design of the software and the hardware, the design were required to implement the running of the system and examining the system malfunction. The running of the system includes veer、reversion、veer nodding、reversion nodding、stopping 、braking、the starting as the shape of a triangle or a star, the starting of fan motor; the system malfunction examination includes the breaking of woof, too hot of the motor, the breaking of the left woof or the right woof, too heavy strain of the fabric roll or metering the length of the woof. The accomplishment of every function of the system is accomplished by the programme of the singlechip. To design the rational and integrated picture with the software of Protel 99se on electric principle, then make the picture of plated circuits. Keyword loom singlechip control the design of the software and the hardware the picture of plated circuits PJ-54织布机控制系统设计 目 录 前 言 1 第一章 织布机概述 2 1.1 织布机简介 2 1.2 检测的内容及要求 2 1.3织布机的控制要求 2 1.3.1 织布机的三只电机 2 1.3.2 电机的控制 3 1.3.3 刹车的控制 4 1.3.4 指示灯 4 1.3.5 直流电源 4 第二章 硬件部分设计 5 2.1 设计方案 5 2.2 主控电路的设计 5 2.3整流电路设计 11 2.4 强电控制电路 12 第三章 软件部分的设计 15 3.1 主程序设计 15 3.2 子程序设计 23 第四章 Protel 99SE的应用 28 4.1 Protel 99SE 的简介 28 4.2 如何用protel 画原理图 28 4.2.1 原理图的设计步骤 28 4.2.2画原理图 29 4.3织布机控制系统总原理图 30 4.4 如何用protel 画PCB图 32 4.4.1 自动布线法画PCB图 32 4.4.2 部分元件的封装说明(表4-1) 33 4.5 织布机控



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