六自由度并联机床 毕业设计说明书_精品.doc

六自由度并联机床 毕业设计说明书_精品.doc

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六自由度并联机床 毕业设计说明书_精品

二 〇 一 年 六 月 并联机床(Parallel Machine Tools),又称并联结构机床(Parallel Structured Machine Tools)、虚拟轴机床(Virtual Axis Machine Tools),也曾被称为六条腿机床、六足虫(Hexapods)。并联机床是集机械、气动(液压)、控制技 9! Eq` 术于一体的典型的机电一体化设备本课题结合本院实验室建设,设六自由度并联机床机构,使其能根据工艺要求进行加工。 d)dL%9K$ 提高学生的工程素质、创新能力、综合实践及应用能力。 关键词:并联机床;步进电动机;空间变换矩阵;滚珠丝杠螺母副 Abstract PMT (Parallel Machine Tools), also known as the parallel structure machine (Parallel Structured Machine Tools), Virtual Axis Machine Tool, has also been known as the six-legged machine, six-legged insects (Hexapods).Parallel machine is in recent years the domestic machine tool research hot spot, it has multiple degrees of freedom, high rigidity, high precision, short transmission chain, with low manufacturing cost.But its shortcomings, in which the forward solution of position of a complex is the key. 6-SPS telescopic type parallel machine tool is Stewart machine tools, a deformable structure form, it is the main characteristics of dynamic, static platform on the 6joints are respectively distributed on the same plane, and form the shape similarity. Parallel machine is a mechanical, pneumatic (hydraulic), control technology in one of the typical electrical and mechanical integration equipment. Parallel machine is easy to achieve six-axis, is expected to become the 21st century, the main high-speed light CNC machining equipment. The combination of hospital laboratory construction project, located six-DOF parallel machine tool sector, so that it can be processed according to process requirements. Improve their engineering quality, innovation, comprehensive practice and application of skills. The main topics for the design of parallel machine tool design, its content includes the determination of robot design, robot design and calculation, and the ball screw pair, stepping motor, bearings, couplings, limit switch, spindle ,and other major components of the calculation used to draw solid model and using Pro/E software to draw the relevant parts of the three



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