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口译笔记精选·上册 Due to the financial crises in Asia, the number of tourists coming and going between the Asian countries has dropped by a large margin since summer 1997. The growth speed of world tourism decreased from 5.5% in 1996 to 3.8%in 1997. 由于金融危机的影响,亚洲各国之间出入境旅游人数从1997年夏季开始大幅度减少,世界旅游业的增长由1996年的5.5%下降到1997年的3.8%。 From January to August 1998, the number of tourists entering China totaled 41.3284million people/times or an increase of 12.22% over the figure for the corresponding period of last year. Foreign exchange earnings generated by tourism reached 8.198 billion us dollars or an increase of 5.55% over the figure for the corresponding period of last year. The number of overseas tourists coming to China has kept growing, except from the other Asian countries, the number of whose tourists has shown a slight reduction. 1998年1-8月份,我国旅游入境人数达到4132.84万人次,比1997年同期增长12.22%,旅游收入达到81.198亿美元,比1997年同期增长5.55%,国际客源市场中,除了亚洲市场有所下降,其他各大洲市场均有增长。 从1978年到1996年,旅游业所得外汇从2.6亿美元增加到102亿美元,也就是平均每年增长了22% From 1978 to 1996, foreign exchange earnings derived from tourism rose from us dollar$ 260 million to us$10.2 billion, an average annual growth of 22%. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also improve the well-being of local inhabitants. 旅游业应该帮助一个国家保存他的那些吸引游客的风俗文化和美丽风景,同时旅游业也应该保证当地居民的幸福健康。 第一个生态公园 去年开放的,位于顺德的生态公园是广东省的一个新旅游景点。这个公园的建立,既符合生态规律,又展示了当地独特的生态农业。 耗资3亿元人民币建成的这个生态公园,占地面积200万平方米,是中国第一个以生态环境保护为中心的特色公园。它把当地的自然环境与旅游度假,文化娱乐,生产以及环境保护相结合,目前已经开放的耗资900万的第一期工程。 First Eco-park The Shunde Eco-park, opened at the end of last year, is a new tourist attraction in Guangdong province, built in line with ecological principles and displaying the local unique eco-agriculture. Built at a cost of 300 million yuan, the park covers nearly 2 million square meters and is the countries first theme park that centers on ecological environmental protection. It integrates the local natural eco-environment with sightseeing, holidays, culture, entertainment,


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