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* 打包票 大规模杀伤性武器 大锅饭 大轰动 Vouch for sb guarantee sth Weapons of mass destruction Egalitarian practice of everone taking Food from the same pot blockbuster Voc vok =voice Evoke invoke provoke revoke equivocal vociferous Flatten level devastated raze Humanitarain utilitarian sensational 打击报复 打假 打卡机 大款 Conduct reprisals ,retaliate Crack on fake products Punch machine Tycoon Prehend Pris= to catch Apprise inform reprisal appraise reprehend apprehend Retaliate against sb by doing sth Fake forge a link with counterfeit Acupuncture pin pungent compunction punctilious expunge Magnate magniloquent magnify magnitude 打破垄断 打击走私 代码 带薪年假 Breakup of monoploy Combat smuggling Code cipher Paid annual leave Have a monopoly on have a lock on Bootleg Encode decode decipher Biannual biennial 待业 代孕 逮捕证 待机模式 Job-waiting Surrogate births Arrest warrant Standby mode Rog = ask Job-hopper Surrogate arrogant derogate interrogate abrogate prerogative Artificial insemination Mode modulate modish outmoded commodity moderate immoderate 代金券 上下班 打卡 单边主义 盗用公款 Credit voucher Punch in out Unilateralism embezzlement Cred= to believe Credulous creed accredit Clock in clock out appropriate 德才兼备 德高望重 敌对势力 抵抗全球经济衰退 Have both political integrity and ability Be of a noble character And enjoys high prestige Hostile force Combat the globe economic slump Probity slump recession depression Slump lump bump hump dump plump clump rumple crumple rumpus 地区差异 低水平重复建设 点球 电影展映 Regional disparity Low-level redundant development Penalty kick Par = equal chast=pure Compare pair peer peerless parity disparity nonpareil Penalize repent impunity penance chastise chasten Panorama pan-American panacea 吊销执照 吊唁簿 定额计酬 定向培训 逗留 Revoke one’s license Condolence books Quota remuneration Target training job- oriented training Sojourn (in) lodge Licit illicit license suspension Condolence indolence redolent Mourn (for) lament eulogy Ori


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