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短语动词 (以动词为中心): add *add in包括 (include something): Would you add in these items, please, in order to complete the list? ★Should we add in the lemon juice before or after mixing the flour and sugar? *add to 加, 增加,补充说 If the tea is too strong, add some more water (to it). ★If you add 5 to 6, you get 11. ★ I have nothing to add to my earlier statement. ★ add fuel to the flames ★ add insult to injury *add up (两个或两个以上的数或量)加起来 (calculate the total of two or more numbers or amounts): The waiter can’t add up. ★ Add up all the money I owe you. *add up to 总计共达 The money he spent added up to more than $ 1,000. allow *allow for 把…考虑进去(include somebody/something in one’s calculations): It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. ★ Allowing for depreciation your car should be worth $900 this time next year. *allow of 容许(有)(permit something, leave room for something):The facts allow of only one explanation. ★ The problem allows of only one solution. apply *apply for 申请(make a formal request): He has applied to the banker for a loan. ★ He has applied for a post in England. *apply to (1)使用力量等对某事物起作用(cause a force, etc to affect something): Apply a force of 100 N to the body. ★ He applied his Marxist knowledge to the events around him. ★The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. (2)贴,敷,涂(put or spread something onto something): apply the glue to both surfaces ★Apply some medicine to the wound. ★Apply two coats of painting to the fence. believe *believe in (1)相信某人/物的存在,信仰,相信有 (feel sure of the existence of someone/something): I believe in God. ★Do you believe in ghosts? ★He believes in Darwinism. ★Christians believe in Jesus. (2)信赖某人/物;肯定某事物的价值或正确性 (have confidence in a remedy, a person, etc; feel sure of the worth or truth of something): I believe in his good character. ★Do you believe in nuclear disarmament? ★ He believes in getting plenty of exercise. ★He didn’t believe in Howard’s honesty. ★You can believe in him; he’ll nev


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