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( ) ( ( ) successfully (按字母顺序) A 1.His parents are really ____________ about his returning home late.(焦虑) 2.Living in the countryside has many ___________ over living in the city.(优势) 3.As most of the population in China are farmers, ______ plays an important part.(农业) 4.There are many honored guests ___________ today's conference.(参加) 5.There are 60 students in class 12 Senior III _____________.(总共) 6.You are not ____________ to smoke here.(允许) 7.If we do things ______ nature, we will be punished by it.(违背) 8.On __________(平均), he has an income of 3,000 yuan per month. 9.You should pay more __________ to your pronunciation.(注意) 10.Please write your telephone number and _________ here.(地址) 11.When I arrived at the __________, the plane had taken off.(机场) 12.They restarted the Long March, _______ at experiencing the hardship that the Red Army had suffered.(主旨) 13.He succeeded in reaching the summit at his first _________.(尝试) 14.There are four seasons in a year, namely, they are spring, summer, a_____ and winter. 15.He was so tired that he fell a_______ quickly. 16.___________(无论如何) I must finish the work today. 17.__________ to the agreement, Shylock can have a pound of flesh near the chest.(根据) 18.Egypt is an _______ country.(非洲) 19.Only through hard work can we __________ our goals.(实现) 20.The teacher is very ________ with Peter as he is always telling lies.(生气)答案: 1. anxious 2. advantages 3.agricultures 4.attending 5.altogether 6. allowed 7.against 8. average 9. attention 10. address 11. airport 12. aiming 13. attempt 14. autumn 15. asleep 16. Anyhow,Anyway 17.According 18. African 19. achieve 20. angry 1. The whole city was ________(美丽) lit up on the mid-autumn night. 2. He is to b__________ for he has done a great fault. 3. The World Service _____(播放) program in English and 35 other language


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