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“营改增”对金融业的财务影响 摘要 伴随着“营改增”政策的不断推行,各行各业都在此关键的时刻发挥自己自身的优势,想要尽快的融入到整个大的市场中去。此篇文章将金融行业作为典型的案例,透彻的分析了营改增对金融行业带来的影响,在结合国内外先进经验的基础上,提出关键的财务管理经验,争取进一步加快中国金融业的发展速度。随着我国经济水平的不断提升,这让我国有了更加健全的税收制度,众所周知,金融业是中国目前经济发展的关键产业,金融业发展的好坏直接影响了我国整体经济的发展。因为金融行业涵盖的领域十分广泛,假如缺乏相应的健全的法律体系来对其加以约束,那么这样会给我国经济的发展带来很大的困扰。如此一来,金融行业到底该怎样利用营改增这样一个契机来让自己的发展更加顺利呢,营改增又将对金融行业带来怎样的冲击呢?当今社会是互联网金融时代,营改增能否在大的趋势下充分发挥其宏观的调控作用,让金融业扬长避短?本文对这些问题进行了重要分析,同时给出对应的处理措施。 关键词:营改增;金融业;财务管理? Abstract With the camp changed to increase the policy of continuous implementation, all walks of life in this critical moment to play their own advantages, want to integrate into the whole market as soon as possible. This article will be the financial industry as a typical case, a thorough analysis of replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT) impact on the financial industry, on the basis of the domestic and foreign advanced experience, put forward the key financial management experience, to further accelerate the pace of development of the financial industry Chinese. As China's economy continues to improve, it makes me more healthy state tax system, as everyone knows, the financial industry is the key industry Chinese economic development at present, the development of the financial industry has a direct impact on the overall economic development in china. Because the financial sector covers a wide range of areas, if the lack of a sound legal system to restrain them, then it will bring great difficulties to the development of China's economy. As a result, the financial industry in the end how to use the camp changed to increase such an opportunity to make their own development more smoothly, camp changed to increase the financial industry will bring what kind of impact? Today's society is the era of Internet banking, camp changed to increase the ability to play the role of macro-control in the big trend, so that the financial industry to avoid weaknesses? In this paper, these problems are analyzed, and the correspondi


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