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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目名称: VC多窗口处理技术的研究 学 院: 计算机科学技术 专业年级: 计算机科学与技术(师范) 摘 要 自从美国Xerox Palo Alto Research Center的STAR计算机采用多窗口技术和鼠标作为用户接口以来,多窗口技术作为一种改善人机接口的手段,已开始流行。 在计算机的各种应用中,经常要多个不同的应用程序进行互相配合,共同完成某项工作。多窗口技术使用户能在一个显示屏幕上,同时看到几个应用程序,并在各应用程序之间进行随意切换,从而极大地方便了使用者。 本文依托“三维可视化”项目的系统框架,进行了多窗口处理技术的研究。软件系统包含了一般的多窗口处理技术,VC中视图(窗口)的动态分割处理技术,自定义多窗口处理技术对图像进行处理和显示。通过文件预览模块、查看模块、系统控制模块、算法功能模块、窗口显示模块来实现整个系统的功能。 多窗口处理技术已成为设计用户界面的重要手段地位,许多基于窗口技术开发用户界面的应用程序,其用户界面部分与应用核心部分没有彻底分离,难于移植。因此,在采用多窗口技术设计用户界面时,提出窗口框架与窗口信息相分离的方法,窗口信息以文件形式存贮,不仅使用户界面部分独立于应用核心部分,而且允许用户参与定义窗口颜色、各级窗口内同及每一菜单项所对应的子功能的函数名,系统集菜单选择窗口、帮助信息窗口,编辑信息区窗口于一体,满足多数应用程序的用户界面需要,加快软件开发周期,统一用户界面风格。 关键词:接口;多窗口处理技术;用户界面 Abstract Since the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center USASTAR computer using multi-window technique and the mouse as a user interface, multi window technology as a means of improving the man-machine interface, have begun to pop. In a variety of applications, often to a number of different applications to cooperate with each other, to complete a job. Multi window technology can help users on a display screen, see several applications at the same time, and can switch between the application programs, which is greatly convenient for users. This paper is based on the visualization project system framework, the processing technology of multi-window. The software system includes multiple window processing technology in general, VC view (window) dynamic segmentation processing technology, processing and display the image of custom window processing technology. Through the file preview module, check module, system control module, algorithm modules, window display module to realize the function of the system. Multi-window processing technology has become an important means of status of user interface design, many application window technology development based on user interface, the user interface part and application of core part not completely separat


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