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Zeus;Ⅰ. Zeus' Extraction;目录;Ⅰ. Zeus' Extraction;Gods Classified;Zeus' Birth;Overthrowing his father;Ⅱ. Zeus' Status and Power;King of the gods Lord of the sky The Rain-god and the Cloud-gatherer His power was greater than that of all the other divinities;Zeus' Weapon and Symbols “His bird the eagle, his tree the oak”;Zeus' Weapon and Symbols;When he tears, Greece will rain. Zeus can dispel the clouds, and make a rainbow sky; But can also be stacked dark clouds in the air, the wind blowing on the ground, let the sky thunder lightning and heavy rain. ;Ⅲ. Zeus' Character;One day the bee, the mother of the candles, paid a visit to the gods and brought them honeycombs and honey. Zeus, the King of the Gods, took great pleasure in the gift and wanted to offer the bee whatever she would ask. And the bee said: "Zeus, give me a sting to defend my labors from the humans". But Zeus loved the human race too much, so he told the bee: "Certainly! I'll give you the sting, so you can defend yourself if someone takes your honey. But you must know that if you do evil to man, hitting him with the sting, you will immediately die- your sting is your life!" 蜜蜂不愿意把自己又香又甜的蜂蜜献给人类。便飞到奥林匹斯山去找宙斯,请求宙斯赐给自己强大的力量。只要有想吃蜂蜜的人走到蜜蜂窝面前,蜜蜂就会用自己尾巴上锋利的针,刺死那些接近蜂窝的人类。 宙斯对蜜蜂们的话十分气愤,便下令,从今以后蜜蜂只要一刺人,蜂针就会折断,它也会因此而死去。 想伤害别人的人,灾难却常常降临到他自己的头上。;Lustful(好色的) Zeus;Ⅲ. Zeus' Character;Thank You


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