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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于PHP?的个人博客?系统的设计?与开发 完成日期 年 月 日 摘 要 博客作为一?种新的生活?方式,工作方式和?学习方式已?经被越来越?多的人所接?受,并且正在改?变着传统的?网络社交的?个人出版变?成了人人都?可以实现的?梦想博客正在影?响和改变着?我们的生活?。本网站采用?了PHP+Mysql?+Apach?e进行开发?,前台用HT?ML嵌入P?HP进行页?面开发和优?,提示信息完?善,界面友好有?亲和力;后台采用M?ysql开?发和管理数?据库。开发环境为?Apach?e服务器。,最终实现了?用户体验良?好、界面设计美?观 关键词:PHP技术?MySQL? 常用功能 个人博客系?统。 ABSTR?ACT Blog as a new way of life, work and learn?ing metho?d has been accep?ted by more and more peopl?e, and is chang?ing the tradi?tiona?l netwo?rk. And Perso?nal publi?shing? has becom?e every?ones dream? that can be easil?y reali?zed, so the socia?l media? netwo?rk mainl?y const?itute?d by blog has becom?e more and more popul?ar. Peopl?e choos?e to user perso?nal blog and blog syste?m is affec?ting and chang?ing our lives?. So, if we can devel?op a user-frien?dly Blog websi?te with power?ful funct?ions, the persp?ectiv?e of it must be very brigh?t.? This websi?te is devel?oped using? PHP+Mysql?+Apach?e, foreg?round? using? PHP embed?ded with HTML to do page devel?opmen?t and manag?e user inter?face, perfe?ct promp?t infor?matio?n, frien?dly inter?face with affin?ity; Backg?round? is devel?oped and manag?ed using? Mysql?. Apach?e serve?r is used for devel?opmen?t envir?onmen?t. After? the proce?dure of softw?are desig?ning, codin?g and softw?are testi?ng, a user-frien?dly perso?nal blog websi?te, with beaut?iful UI and many usefu?l funct?ions has been built?. Keywo?rds:?PHP?Techn?ology? MySql? Commo?n funct?ions Blog?Manag?ement??Syste?m 目 录 绪论 1 1.1课题来源? 1 1.2国内外发? 2 1.3本论文的? 2 第二章 开发工具及?相关技术 4 2.1开发工具? 4 2.2运行工具? 4 2.3 4 2.3.1 PHP的工? 4 2.3.2 MySQL?数据库 4 2.3.3 Apach?e服务器 5 2.3.4 XHTML?概述 5 2.3.5 CSS概述? 5 2.3.6 JavaS?cript? 6 第三章 系统的需求?分析 7 3.1可行性分? 7 3.2需求分析? 7 系统的概要?设计 11 4.1系统总体? 11 4.2系统数据? 11 第五章 系统的详细?设计与实现? 18 5.1系统的流? 18 5.2系统模块? 19 5.3系统的编? 29 第六章 系统的测试? 33 6.1测试简述? 33 6.2系统的测? 34 6.3系统的分? 37 总 结 38 谢 辞 39 参考文献 40 第一章 绪论博客管理系?统是一个给?人们提供抒?发个人情感?、人与人之间?进行良好沟?通的平台,博客拥有真?实的内容,人们可以通?过博客记录?下工作、学习、生活和娱乐?的点滴以及


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