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东营市风能资源开发利用问题分析及对策研究 孙金凤,刘清志,解忠刚 (1中国石油大学(华东)经济管理学院信息管理系;2,3中国石油大学(华东)经济管理学院工程管理系,山东 东营 257061) 摘要:通过对东营市风能资源参数详细的统计、录入和计算得知,位于黄河三角洲腹地的山东省东营风力发电成本偏高The Problems and Countermeasure Research on Wind Energy in Dongying City SUN Jin-feng1 LIU Qin-zhi2 XIE Zhong-gang3 (1Information Management Department, 2,3Engineering Management Department, College of Economy and Management, China University of Petroleum, Shandong 25700, China ) Abstract: Dongying City lies in the center of the Yellow River Delta According to the data about wind resources and wind energy in Dongying City, Shandong Province, we conclude that Dongying District, Hekou District and Lijin Country have rich wind resources and convert wind energy to the power or pump water.Dongying wind energy conversion has made some great program with the success of the wind power by Datang Group. While, there are still some disadvantages such as low efficiency on wind resources evaluation and management, high cost wind power and only wind-generated electricity etc. Dongying can set up wind resources observation system, explore the offshore wind farms and take wind-driven regenerative water-pump etc. after investigating the practical situation and other countries’ experience with good wind power to facilitate the wind energy development. Keywords: wind energy in Dongying city; wind energy evaluation; wind power; wind farm; water-driven by wind 位于黄河三角洲腹地的山东省东营有着良好的风力资源专程前往大唐东营风力发电项目考察包括风电在内的可再生能源 两区 东营区 54736 1979 2000 1986 河口区 54732 1995 1993 2000 三县 垦利县 54744 1974 2000 1997 广饶县 54738 1971 2000 1981 利津县 54731 1971 1993 1981 根据表1所指定的代表年以及东营市有关气象站数据资料,我们可以初步计算东营市两区三县的平均风速、年平均风功率密度以及年平均有效小时数如表2所示[3][4][5][6]。 表2 东营市风能参数 名称 区县名 年平均风速 (m/s) 年平均风功率密度 (w/m2) 年平均有效小时数 (h) 两区 东营区 3.4 59.1 4765 河口区 3.2 49.7 4410 三县 垦利县 3.0 40.3 3744 广饶县 2.4 28.3 2779 利津县 3.1 55.1 3927 由表2可知,就地理分布而言,沿海大于内陆,东营区最大为3.米/秒,广饶县风速最小,平均风速为2.米/秒。/ m2) 10 5.1 160.4 40 6.4 279.5 70 6.9 334.6 根据表2、表3和表4结果表明,东营区、利津县为风能资源较丰富区,可以利用风能资源进行发电;河口区


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