净能China 2009june 27th(1)中文.ppt

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?2009 Schothorst Feed Research. All rights reserved 利用净能体系进行猪饲料配合:理论及实践 Swine Net Energy system for feed formulation: Theory and Practice Piet van der Aa r, Ph.D.博士 Introduction简介 Feed costs are 60 to 70 % of cost of pig meat production 饲料成本60—70%的养猪生产总成本 Energy is the main feed cost 能量是饲料最重要成本 Competition between food, feed and fuel for feedstuffs 食品/饲料/生物燃油对原料的竞争 Large variation in animals (BW,health,age) environmental conditions and production objectives动物环境条件(如活重、健康状况和年龄)及生产目的存在很大的差异性 New challenges 新的挑战 World cereal production( million tonnes) and utilisation (FAO,june 2009) 世界谷类生产(单位:百万吨)及利用(来自:FAO,2009年6月) Effect oil price on price of maize and soybean in the USA在美国,用玉米及大豆炼油的价格转换 Oil price $ 60,- : 玉米油 60美元 $ 4.30 - $4.60 / bushel maize ( $175 /tonne) $ 0.33 / litre of vegetable oil 每升玉米油需花费0.33美元 Oil price $ 70,- : 大豆油70美元 $ 5.40- - $ 5.70 / bushel maize ($ 220/tonne) $ 0.36 / litre of vegetable oil每升大豆油需花费0.36美元 Energy will remain expensive in the future 未来能源依然维持高价位 What is important ?什么是重点? Starch will become more expensive 淀粉将变得越来越贵 Byproducts are more likely to be used 其副产品将很可能被使用 Important aspects of energy evaluation 能量评估中最重要的方面: Good ranking and relative value of feedstuffs饲料营养成分中良好的比例及相对值 Nutrient requirements and nutritional values should be coherent营养需求及营养价值需保持一致 Precise animal requirements and feed nutritional values are necessary动物营养的精确需求及饲料营养价值的重要性 Simple model to estimate NE value 计算净能价值的简单公式 净能NE=GE总能x digE消化能x ME代谢能/NE x NE/ME Factors affecting digestibility 影响消化率的因素 Weight of the animal动物体重 Feed intake level 采食量 Technological treatment 加工处理 Body weight 体重 Physiological stage of the animal动物生理阶段 母猪与肥育猪的比较 Sows versus growing finishing pigs 年龄对粪消化率的影响 Effect of age on faecal digestibility Effect of body weight on digestibility 体重对消化率的影响 (Fledderus en van der Aar) 制粒对猪菜粕消化率的影响 Effect of pelleting on digestibility of rapeseed meal in swine Other factors affecting digestibility 影响消化率的其它因素 Buffering capacity of


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