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教材分析 本单元的中心话题是订餐或叫外卖。通过本单元的学习,要求学生能够运用would like 来表达自己对食物的需求,从而学会订餐或叫外卖,并在订餐过程中为面条和饺子写宣传广告。在学习中培养学生的人际交往能力,并倡导学生在日常生活中健康饮食,合理膳食。 教学目标 知识与技能 Words : large,size,bowl,he’d=he would. Sentences:What size bowl of noodles would he like? He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles. Train students to listen for key words. Help them to learn how to order noodles they’d like. 过程与方 法 Listening and practising in groups. Role plays and make a survey. 情感态度与价值观 Make students experience the feelings of success. 教学重点与难点 Words: drink, large, size, bowl, he’d=he would Sentences: What size bowl of noodles would he like? He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles. Make a new conversation about ordering food. I’d like a _____ bowl of noodles. I’d like _______, ______ and ________ noodles, please. I’d like a ________ bowl. I’d like ____ and ______ noodles,please. Task David wants to be a waiter in a noodle house. But he doesn’t how to serve customers (如何招待顾客), please help him in 3a. Complete the conversation. Have a try to complete the dialogue: A: ? B: Yes, please. I’d like some bowls of noodles. A: ? B: I’d like beef and cabbage noodles. A: ? B: Well, I’d like a small bowl, my friend would like a medium one. (After the meal ) B: Excuse me, ? A: Let me see. Oh, they are 7 Yuan. * What kind of noodles would she like? She’d like noodles. beef and egg What kind of noodles would he like? He’d like noodles. chicken and tomato What kind of noodles would they like? They’d like noodles. mutton and cabbage a bowl of noodles a bowl of noodles a bowl of noodles What size bowl of noodles would you like? I ’d like a small bowl of noodles. small medium la


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