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毕 业 设 计 [论 文] 题 目: 基于Java的网上考试系统 学 院: 计算机与数据科学学院 专 业: 软件工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 2016年5月 摘要 随着网络技术的快速发展,我们的社会已经进入到一个现代化互联网时代,就目前来说,现在国家各个部门都在进行信息化,对于一些课程的考试我们也可以进信息化处理,即可以通过局域网或者互联网的方式进行,与传统的纸质考试、监考老师收发卷相比,网上考试可以节省很多物力财力,不仅提高了工作效率,而且还可以为在指定的时间内到不了考场的考生提供了一种新的考试方式,即异地网上考试,由此开发了网上考试系统。 本系统的编写采用灵活性比较高的java语言,并且主要采用SSH(struts+spring+hibernate)开发模式,用MyEclipse开发工具,数据库使用SQLserver2008作为后台支持,以Apache Tomcat7.0作为应用服务器,使用jsp开发等。本系统实现的功能有,网上在线考试登录有三种模式,有老师、学生、管理员三个权限组,本系统主要实现了用户登录的常用的功能,针对不同的用户对应不同的权限,例如:考试题目等功能的增加、修改、删除考生成绩的查询、以及阅卷的功能、管理员对老师学生信息及试卷的管理等。 关键词:SSH,java,jsp Abstract With the rapid development of network technology, our society has entered into an era of modern Internet, at present, now all sectors of the country are in information technology, for examination of a number of course we can also in information processing, which can be through a LAN or the Internet, and the traditional paper-based exam, the invigilator transceiver volume compared to, online examination can save a lot of material and financial resources, not only improve the work efficiency, but also within the specified time to the examination of the candidates provides a new exam mode, namely the different examination online, which developed the online examination system. The system of written by relatively high flexibility of the Java language, and mainly uses the SSH (struts + Spring + Hibernate development mode, with MyEclipse development tools, database using sqlserver2008 as the background support, to Apache Tomcat7.0 as the application server, the use of JSP development etc.. The system to achieve the function, online test log has three modes, teachers, students, administrators and three group permissions, this system mainly realizes the user login the commonly used functions, according to different users corresponding to different permissions.



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