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湖北文理学院 毕业设计论文 题 目 万向摇头风扇的结构设计及其运动仿真 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 机制0812班 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 职 称 2012年5月20日 基于PRO/E的万向摇头风扇的结构设计及运动仿真分析 摘要:电风扇的主要部件是:交流电动机。其工作原理是:通电线圈在磁场中受力而转动。能量的转化形式是:电能主要转化为机械能,同时由于线圈有电阻,所以不可避免的有一部分电能要转化为热能。   电风扇工作时(假设房间与外界没有热传递)室内的温度不仅没有降低,反而会升高。让我们一块来分析一下温度升高的原因:电风扇工作时,由于有电流通过电风扇的线圈,导线是有电阻的,所以会不可避免的产生热量向外放热,故温度会升高。但人们为什么会感觉到凉爽呢?因为人体的体表有大量的汗液,当电风扇工作起来以后,室内的空气会流动起来,所以就能够促进汗液的急速蒸发,结合“蒸发需要吸收大量的热量”,故人们会感觉到凉爽。 现在市场上的许多风扇都有摇头功能,但是摇头的角度是90度固定不变的,而有时候人们希望风扇摇头的角度可以调节,摇头的速度可以调节,这时候原来固定摇头角度的风扇就不能满足人们的需要。 在高温季节里,电风扇是一种重要的降温工具。它有固定式和摇头式等式样,摇头式的也只能在180°范围内转动,但由一般电动机改装成的电风扇,通常是固定式的。 本次毕业设计针对这个问题,提出了设计一个可以调节电风扇摇头角度,并且可以调节电风扇的摇头速度的万向摇头风扇。这个装置做好之后还可以应用到比如太阳能采光板的跟踪采光系统、园林的只能灌溉系统等其他应用领域中。 关键词:风扇;Pro/Engineer; 摇头;运动仿真;调节; 应用 Structural Design and Motion Simulation of the Universal shaking his head fan based on PRO/E Abstract: The electric fan main components are: AC motor. Its working principle is: the electric coil in a magnetic field force. The conversion of energy form is: electric energy is converted into mechanical energy, at the same time as the coil has a resistor, so inevitably there is a part of electric energy to be converted into heat. Electric fan work (assuming the room with no external heat transfer ) indoor temperature is not reduced, it will rise. Let us together to analyze temperature rise reason: electric fan work, due to the current through the coil of wire electric fan, there is resistance, so will inevitably produce heat from heat, the temperature will rise. But why do people feel cool? Because the human body has a lot of sweat, when the fan works, the indoor air can flow together, so we can promote the rapid evaporation of sweat, combined with evaporation needs to absorb a lot of heat, so people will feel cool. Many fans on the market today have shook his head function, But shaking his head angle is 90 degrees fixed, Sometimes people want to fan shook his head angle can be adjusted, Shaking his head speed can be adjusted, When the origin


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