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文件编号:SC-SBWX-01 版本号:1.0File No.:SC-SBWX-01 Rev.: 1.0生效日期: 2016.10.01 页 数:102 Effective date: OCT 01 2016 No. of pages:102目 录Contents№2一、设备维修安全注意事项4二、维修工具/维修辅料7三、设备维修简介13四、导轨滑块安装20五、滚珠丝杆安装24六、齿轮齿条安装31七、链轮链条安装40八、减速机,伺服电机安装48 VIIIII九、气缸标准59十、玻璃上料机维修安转61十一、在线EVA/TPT裁切机维修安装63十二、二道敷设移载维修安装69十三、堆栈维修安装73十四、自动修边机维修安装78十五、摆框机维修安装82十六、装框机维修安装84十七、灌胶机维修安转88十八、电气常规维修检查92十九、设备维修后注意事项98二十、售后联系方式102设备维修安全注意事项?Safety precautions for equipment maintenance一、设备维修前?Ⅰ. Prior to maintenance1、劳保用品的准备。进入车间前必须穿戴好工作服装、劳保手套、防护眼镜等劳动保护用具。? a.. Preparation of labor protection alliances. Working clothes, safety gloves, safety goggles and other labor protection appliances must be worn before you enter the workshop.2、分析将要进行的维修工作,可能存在的风险隐患,应采取相应的措施。? b. Analyze the maintenance work to be done, potential risks and hazards and corresponding measures to be taken 3、需要登高作业的,必须佩戴登高安全用品,登高作业下方必须摆放警示牌,提醒路人注意高空坠物。? c. If you have to climb up, corresponding safety equipment must be worn and a warning board set up below the working area to warn passersby against falling objects. 4、设备维修前,先检查电、液、气动力源是否断开,且在开关处挂“正在修理”、“禁止合闸”等警示牌或专人监护,监护人不得从事操作或做与监护无关的事。? d. Prior to maintenance, it shall be checked whether electric, hydraulic and pneumatic power sources are cut off and such warning boards as “under repair” and “no switching on” shall be set up at corresponding switches or the switches supervised by specially assigned personnel. The supervisor is not allowed to engage in operation or issues except for supervision. 5、设备维修前必须检查、分析、了解设备故障发生的原因及现状。必须检查设备各部位是否存有浮药,如有必须采取措施后方可维修。? e. Causes of equipment fault(s) and current conditions shall be checked, analyzed and understood prior to maintenance. All parts of the equipment shall be checked for floating drug and, if any, take corresponding measures prior to maintenance. 6、设备在维修、保养、维护前,必须要切断设备主电源及光电开关、行程开关、接近开关、气动原件等控制原件、附助原件的电源、气源,只有确认设备不会误动作后才可进行维修、保养、维护。? f. Prior to equipment maintenance and repair, main power and photoelectric switch, travel switch, pro


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