毕业设计 非能动管道爆破保护系统流场有限元分析.doc

毕业设计 非能动管道爆破保护系统流场有限元分析.doc

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非能动管道爆破保护系统流场有限元分析 此页已删 为保护作者权宜 非能动管道爆破保护系统流场有限元分析 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生 XX 指导教师 XXXX 摘要:在管道运输中经常发生管道爆破事故。为了减少损失,降低危险,必须及时地关闭管道,来切断输送液体的流通。为此提出了非能动管道爆破保护系统。此系统是一种自力式的全自动保护装置。这个系统不需要外界能量来驱动,巧妙运用流体流动的能量使管道关闭。在管道修复后,可以人为地恢复管道的正常功能。此系统主要由球阀、感流器、液压缸、驱动齿轮以及许多机械控制阀组成,通过管线连接组成一个非能动系统,安装在各类运输管道中起保护的作用。其中的感流器安装于主阀内的贯通流道中,当管道爆破泄漏时,通过感流器感知速度和压力的变化,并打开阀门来驱动相应装置使管道关闭。当管道中某一处突然爆破时,感流器周围的流场分布很复杂。文章重点介绍了运用ANSYS软件进行有限元分析,把流体的模型进行网格化、加载,并设置一些环境变量后求解。求解后进行了通用后处理,以图形形式直观地说明了计算结果,从图中得到了管道出口的速度分布及流感器附近的压力值,为设计流感器的结构提供一个精确的数值。 主题词:管道运输 爆破保护 有限元分析 ANSYS The Finite Element Analysis On Flow Field of Passive Pipeline Explosion Protection System Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automatization Student: FEI YU Adviser: DUN AX Abstract Often occur in the pipeline transportation pipeline burst. In order to reduce losses and risk, we must close the pipeline in time to cut off the flow of transmission fluid. This proposed pipeline burst of passive protection systems. This system is a type of automatic self-protection. The system does not require external energy to drive, smart use of energy of the fluid. After the pipeline being repaired, you can artificially restore the normal function of the pipeline. This system is composed of ball valve, a sense of flow, hydraulic cylinders, drive gear, and many mechanical control valves, piping connections through the formation of a passive system, installed in various pipelines in the protective effect. One of the sensor of flow valve installed in the main flow channel within the link, when the pipe burst leakage, through the sense of flow velocity and pressure sensing device changes, and open the valve to drive the very device drivers shut down the pipeline. When the pipes burst in a sudden sense of a particular converter flow field around the complex, the article focuses on the use of ANSYS finite element analysis software to model fluid grid, load, and after setting some environment v



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