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Lecture Six Entire Agreement 国际贸易合同种类繁多,内容因人因事各异,但基本结构与常用条款相对统一与固定,具有格式化的特点。一般来说,可以分为首部、正文、尾部: (1)当事人的名称或姓名、国籍、主管营业所;(2)签订合同的日期和地点;(3)合同的类型、标的之种类与范围;(4)标的物的质量、标准、规格和数量;(5)履行的期限、地点和方式;(6)价格条件、支付金额、支付方式和各种附带费用;(7)合同能否转让,如能转让,则说明转让的条件;(8)违反合同的赔偿及其他责任;(9)争议的解决方法;(10)合同使用的文字及其效力 。 首部/约首(The Head/Non-operative Part) 任何一份国际贸易合同的首部都是用于说明合同的“人、事、时、地”四个要素,包括: (1)封面(Cover of the Contract) 国际贸易合同应加封面,以示正式并达到保存合同的目的,封面内容通常应包括当事人、合同标题、签订日期。 (2) 合同标题( Title of the Contract) 在说明合同类型,合同正文前面应有标题, 该标题应与封面标题完全一致。 (3) 合同编号(Contract/Agreement Number) 合同编号一般置于合同标题的下方或右下方,也可以将合同编号置于标题的右上方,即合同第一页的右上角,合同编号方式可以由合同各方自行协商确定,没有统一格式。 (4)前提(Commencement),包括两部分内容:①合同当事人基本信息,如合同双方名称、国籍、营业地点、住所等;②有关合同签订的基本信息,比如合同号、签订日期、地点。这些内容通常通过格式化的条款来表达: 1)This Contract is made and entered into on April 7, 2004(签订日期)in Beijing City(地点), by and between Beijing Motor Limited Company(hereinafter referred to as Party A), incorporated and existing under the Company Law of the PRC with its domicile at Beijing, and Dream Sales Limited Company(hereinafter referred to as Party B), incorporated and existing under the Newyork Corporations Code, USA with its domicile at Newyork City(合同当事人基本信息). 2) THIS AGREEMENT is made on ________ in _______ by and among: Cherry Automobile Co.Ltd., a company duly established under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), with its Head Office at No.1, Cherry Road, Northeast District, Wuhu City, 601122 (hereinafter referred to as the Party A); Xinhua Automotive Finance (China) Limited, a company duly established under the laws of PRC, with its Head Office at 32nd Floor, Shanghai Information Tower, 211 Century Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120 (hereinafter referred to as the Party B); and Noka Sales Co.Ltd., a company duly established under the laws of PRC, with its Head Office at _____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Party C). (5)鉴于条款(Whereas Clause) 1)Whereas... NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 2)... In consideration of the


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