英国文学发展史及每个阶段的特点 中英对照精选.doc

英国文学发展史及每个阶段的特点 中英对照精选.doc

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英国文学发展史及每个阶段的特点 中英对照精选

英国文学发展史及每个阶段的特点 British history of literature and the characteristics of each stage 毋庸置疑,英国小说是世界艺术之林中的一大景观。它如同促使其滋生与进化的社会土壤一样,在历史的洪流中不断改弦易辙,急剧演变。自文艺复兴时期以来,英国小说已经发展成为一种充满活力和魅力的艺术工具,对社会生活和历史变迁进行了生动的描述。像英语一样,自它形成的那一天起,英国小说便建立了自己的规则和体系,虽东学一点,西借一点,却以坚定的步伐向前发展。引人注目的是,尽管英国小说起步较晚,其历史比诗歌和戏剧短得多,但它却发展迅猛,变化巨大,流传甚广,其影响和作用早已大大地超过了诗歌和戏剧。究其原因,英国小说不仅具有内容丰富、情节曲折和人物形象生动等特征,而且还因其篇幅灵活、形式多样,语言通俗和艺术精湛而备受广大读者的青睐。经过无数作家的认真探索和反复实践,当代英国小说在艺术形式和创作技巧上与它早期的雏形已不可同日而语。如果说,英国小说的崛起完全符合文学发展的客观规律;那么,其小说艺术的发展既是社会进化的一个显著标志,也是文学现代化的必然结果。 Undoubtedly, the English novel is a great landscape in the world art tries. It as urging its growth and evolution of social soil, as in history stream of continuous converted, sharp evolution. Since the Renaissance, England has novel has developed into a dynamic and charm of the art tools, to the social life and historical changes the vivid description. Like English is same, since it formed the day, the English novel, he set up his own rules and system, although east, west borrowed learn a little bit, but with the firm steps forward development. Remarkably, although English novels startting evening, its history than poems and plays a much shorter, but it is developing rapidly, dramatic change, widespread, its influence and effect already greatly exceeds poetry and drama. Investigate its reason, English novels not only has the rich content and plots and characters vivid characteristics such as length, but also because of its flexible and diverse forms, colloquial English and art consummate and has extensive readers' favor. After countless writer's earnest exploration and repeated practice, contemporary English novels in artistic form and creative skills on early embryo of with it already is obvious. If, say, the rise of the English novel completely accord with the objective law of the development of literature, So, its novel artistic development is both social evolution a distinctive sign, but also the inevitable result of the modern literature. 应当指出,英国小说艺术,像其他艺术形式一样,不可


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