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盐城师范学院毕业设计 基于android的校园二手市场APP 摘要 随着市场经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,物品更新换代的速度与旧物品 处置速度已不相匹配。旧物品如何处置已成为亟待解决的问题,特别是对于现在 的大学生,追求新物品的同时,旧物品的处置显然是一个大难题。针对这样的状况 ,需要针对校园二手市场设计一款应用,它为学生提供了处置旧物品的交易平台, 提高了物品的使用率,达到节约资源,减少浪费的目的。 本文设计了一个基于Android 的校园二手市场系 。该系 包含了五个功能模 块,分别是物品浏览模块、物品分类显示模块、求购发布模块、物品收藏模块、话 题讨论模块、账户管理模块。物品浏览模块可以查看用户发布的物品以及物品详 细信息;物品分类显示模块可以根据物品属性分类以显示物品;求购发布模块可以 发布用户需要购买的物品信息; 物品收藏模块显示用户收藏的物品并在收藏列表中显示;话题讨论模块为用户搭 建了一个交流讨论的模块,用户可以发表自己的意见;账户管理模块可以显示用户 的账户信息。 【关键词】Android平台;校园二手市场系 ;Mysql 盐城师范学院毕业设计 Android based campus secondary market APP Abstract With the development of market economy, people’s living standard is improved and the speed of the renewal of the goods is not matched with the disposal speed of the old goods. How to deal with old goods has become a popular problem, especially for university students. Since they are interested in pursuing new things, it is still a big problem for undergraduates to dispose old goods. This paper presents the campus secondary market App. It is a trading platform for students to deal with old goods, and improves the utilization of goods, saves resource and reduces waste. The campus second-hand market system is based on Android. The system contains five functional modules, including items browse module, the goods classification display module, goods purchase module, item collection module, topic to discuss module, personal information module. Items browse module can view user's release of items and details. The goods classification display module is classified to display items according to their properties. Goods purchase module can release goods’ information that users need. Item collection module displays a user's collection of items in the favorites list. Topic to discuss module builds a communication module, users can ex


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