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中南民族大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Science and technology resources of higher education institutions refers to the capacity in teaching, research and development or management, which is an integral part of human resources of higher education instutions, including the certified stuff by relevant national department In this paper,the research and study of human resources are explored in view of its connotation, feature, content and goal as well as it tendency It also probe into the current situations of human resource management in higher education institutions with countermeasures and suggestions Chapter One deals with the definition and theory of management in this subject The paper illustrate the feature of human resources in higher education institutions and subdivides its content and goal with reasonable forecast as to its developing trend Chapter Two studies the current situations of human resources in higher education institions As the key part in this paper, this chapter summarize the current situations of higher education institions and its existing problems in terms of system to function, situation to enuironment and reveals the stagnancy in management as well as the causes Chapter Three proposes some initiatice counter measures and suggestions concerning this subject Further considerations are put forward to convent ideologies and transfer functions or establish performance evaluation system, establish promoting system,explore and create or ganizations, relevant counter measures and suggestions are also brought forth Key word:science and technology human resource Actualities and countermeasures  management 中南民族大学硕士学位论文  前  言  前  言 邓小平理论中明确的提出了科技是第一生产力的论断 随着我国经济的持续快速的 增长  作为生产力中最活跃的要素人力资源要素  越来越成为衡量生产力进步的重要指 标  特别是科技人力资源  高校作为科技力量的排头兵 其人力资源管理战略实施的好 坏  在一定的程度上  影响着我国未来经济可持续增长动力的强弱 基于这一点 高校 科技人力资源管理和开发的重要性是显而易见的  但现实的高校人力资源管理体系又是 一种什么样的现状呢  在  官本位  式的集权管理体制下  高校人力资源管理部门职能 狭窄  方法简单落后  在很大程度上与高校的发展背道而驰  正是受到诸如此类体制等 诸多方面因素的


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