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確定已用於脊髓損傷病人臨床試驗的幹細胞、施萬細胞以及Oefactory Ensheathing Cells 細胞(OEC - 嗅鞘上皮細胞)移植等治療方法的機制。 To confirm and prove mechanisms of treatment methods that have been used in clinical trial study for the Spinal Cord Injury patients, such as stem cell, Schwann’s cell and OEC cell (Oefactory Ensheathing Cells) transplantations. 為脊髓損傷新藥的檢測提供動物模型。 To provide animal models for testing effects of new drugs for Spinal Cord Injury. Neuroscience Exploring the Brain, Second Edition. Bear MF, Connors BW, Paradiso MA 脊髓的主要功能 (Main Functions of the Spinal Cord) 將感覺訊息從外周傳向腦,運動訊息從腦傳向外周。 構成局部回路和反射。 To perform locomotion and reflex. To convey sensory impulses from periphery to the brain and to convey motor impulses from the brain to the periphery. 神經细胞死亡 (Neuronal cell death) a. 原發損傷 Primary injury (空洞cavity) b. 繼發損傷 Secondary injury 1a 1b 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 2 4,5,6 脊髓損傷後有侍解決的問題 2. 軸突切斷(Axotomy) 3. 脱髓鞘(Demyelination) 4. 膠質癍痕(Glial scar) 5. 抑制性分子(Inhibit molecules , NI-35, NI-250) 6. 血液供應不良(Poor Blood supply) 1a 1b 3 2 2 5 2 4,5,6 脊髓損傷的突破性研究 (一) (Breakthrough Studies on the Field of Spinal Cord Injury) 1. 神經细胞死亡(Neuronal cell death) 波尼松龍治療减少细胞死亡,利用嗅鞘上皮細胞或幹细胞移植替代死亡的细胞。Reduce cell death by therapy with methylprednisolone (Young 1990) and replace death cells with OEC transplantation (Li, J of Neurosci. 1998; Huang, 2003) or Stem cells transplantation (Harper, PNAS 2004). 2. 軸突切断(Axotomy)的治療 增强軸突切斷神經元的再生能力。 Enhance regeneration ability of axotomized neurons (Pears Nature Medicine, 2004; Yick, J Neurotrauma, 2004). 1a 1b 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 2 4,5,6 脊髓损傷的突破性研究(二) (Breakthrough Studies on the Field of Spinal Cord Injury) 3. 去髓鞘(Demyelination)的治療 通過施萬细胞移植重建髓鞘 。 Rebuild myelination by Schwann’s cell transplantation (Xu, EJN 1999; Sivasankaran, Nature Neurosci. 2004). 4,5,6. 膠質癍痕及抑制性分子(Glial scar and Inhibit molecules) 通過改變局部化學環境减少癍痕形成,去除抑制因子。 Reduce glial scar and remove inhibitor molecules by changing the local chemical environment (Yick, Neuroreport, 2000; Moon, Nature Neurosci. 2001). 用於



